
東海 舟山群島 漁業 大黃魚 浪潮新聞 2017-06-18

中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間6月16日,隨著主祭韓其的喊聲“休漁養海,千帆歸港。”2017舟山群島•中國海洋文化節開幕式暨休漁謝洋大典在位於中國浙江的舟山群島中的岱山縣鹿欄晴沙海壇舉行。舟山群島是世界上著名的大漁場,是大黃魚的故鄉。為了避免大黃魚的絕種,這裡每年要進行休漁謝洋,並按照中國傳統祭典方式舉行隆重的儀式,這一舉措既是對大自然尊重,也是古老海洋文化的傳承。


CNCAO NEWS On June 16 Beijing Time, with the shouts of Han Qi, the officiant, saying "stopping fishing and breeding the sea, and thousand boats sail back to port", the 2017 opening ceremony of Zhoushan Ocean Culture Festival and leisure fishing to gratitude for the sea was held in Haitan Island, Lulanqingsha, Daishan County of Zhoushan Archipelago in Zhejiang, China. Zhoushan Archipelago, one of the world-famous big fishing ground, is the home of large yellow croakers. In order to avoid the extinction of this species, they have a period of time for leisure fishing and hold a grand ceremony according to traditional way of Chinese fiesta to worship the sea. It is a traditional way that not only shows the respect for the nature, but also inherits the ancient oceanic culture.



It is known that the ceremony of fish moratorium to gratitude for the sea in Daishan has already become an activity with local mark as well as being a highlight of 69 intangible cultural heritages in county level. With the great of the construction of "the Belt and Road", Daishan will undertake the mission of implementing the three major national strategies, including the construction of Free Trade Port Zone, green petrochemical and River-and-Sea Coordinated Transportation. Marine economy of Daishan provided an ideal site for the development of port industry and new energy industry with Daishan's goal of promoting marine culture along with protecting fisher resources.



Jubilant gongs showed the fishermen's heroic atmosphere and the dance about fishing showed the profound thinking of the relations between human and the ocean. Programs of ocean culture with characteristics of Daishan, like Thousands of Sails Returning to the Harbour, Island Garden, Bridges Connecting the World, making performers be the real fishermen from the fishing boats and conveyed a deep seafood flavor. It was the body language of these personators that narrated the law of nature for we human to live with the ocean harmoniously.



Such ceremony would definitely be solely meaningful, which could not only render the ocean to be rehabilitated and developed as well as extending lives of fish, but also make us respect and show our gratification for the sea.

