
To LOVE 美國 英語 教育 中國日報網 2017-06-15



For years, women have been told certain body features are the new must-haves - bikini bridges, thigh gaps and others have long revolved around being skinny. 這些年,女性一直被告知一定要擁有一些身材特徵,比如比基尼橋,大腿縫,以及其他一些以瘦為美的特徵。

But now the tide is turning and the body positivity movement is growing. 但是現在風向變了,積極的身材運動正在興起。

The latest body part to show off on Instagram? The belly outline. 最近人們在Instagram流行秀什麼呢?沒錯,就是腹部輪廓。


That’s right, the fact that your tummy will stick out when you wear a tight dress or skirt is no longer something to be ashamed of, but something to be proud of. 的確,你穿緊身衣或者裙子的時候,你的小肚腩會凸出,但這不再是什麼丟臉的事情,反而是值得驕傲的。

The majority of women - even the slim among us - have rounded tummies. And so many of us either avoid wearing tight clothing to disguise them or are constantly trying to suck our bellies in to create the appearance of a flat stomach. 絕大多數的女性——即便是我們當中最苗條的那位——都有圓乎乎的肚子。所以我們有很多人會為了遮住腹部而不穿緊身衣,或者長時間收腹讓腹部看起來扁平。

God forbid any of us should have some fat round our middles. 任何人肚子上有肥肉都是萬萬不行的。


Now, however, body positive influencers are encouraging us to love our tummies and not be afraid to reveal our belly outlines. 可現在,健康身材的倡導者正在鼓勵大家愛護自己的肚子,不要害怕露出自己的腹部輪廓。

One such person is the woman behind SelfLoveClub, the body positive instagram account with 264,000 followers. 其中一名倡導者是自愛俱樂部幕後的一位女性成員,這個Instagram賬號如今有2.64萬名粉絲。


Celebrating her own visible belly outline, she writes: 她在稱讚自己明顯的腹部輪廓時,這樣寫道:

“Cheers to a summer of rocking clothing that give you a visible tummy outline. Cheers to not giving a s*** what people think about your body or the way you dress. “好開心!夏天搖滾裝,露出我的小肚子。別人怎麼想你的身材,怎麼看你的裙裝,都見鬼去吧。”

“Cheers to embracing what we've been told not to wear because it doesn't ‘flatter our body type.’ Cheers to living free of judgement, reservations, and inhibitions. “別人不讓我們穿那些不顯身材的衣服,現在我們可以去穿了。這真讓人精神振奮啊!擺脫了指指點點、質疑、和阻撓。”

“Life is short, enjoy it. Don't let others affect your happiness and self worth. Bellies are cute and worth showing off.”“人生短暫,要好好享受。不要讓他人影響到自己的快樂和自己的價值。我們的小肚腩這麼可愛,應該好好炫耀。”

And many women are loving the permission to love a body part they’ve for so long thought they had to hide. 許多女性現在很喜歡把自己長期以來覺得要遮起來的部位釋放出來。


“I needed this. Thank you,” commented one. “我需要這樣。謝謝你。”一位網友評論道。

“You look great! I'm always afraid people may think I'm pregnant... But this gives me confidence! Thank you,” added another. “你看起來很棒!我一直都很擔心別人以為我懷孕了......但是這給了我自信!謝謝!”另一網友評論道。

“You have no idea how much I needed this,” wrote one person. “I have struggled with my tummy for as long as I can remember to the point where it feels like how it looks and how my clothes fit play on my mind every second of the day. “你不知道我有多需要這個,”一位女士寫道,“每天每秒只要我腦海中一想到自己的肚子,自己的衣服穿起來會是什麼樣子,我就同自己的肚子作鬥爭。”

“I am still dealing with some disordered eating and right now I'm still not really be 100 percent comfortable with myself but seeing things like this plus other people celebrating their bodies and their health has really helped me and my confidence and spurred a huge change in my thinking. “我現在還在調整自己不規律的飲食,對自己不是100%滿意,但是看到這些東西,再加上大家都在展示自己的身材和健康,真的幫助我重拾自信,極大地改變了我的一些想法。”

“You are beautiful and I can't thank you enough for this post.” “你很美,我都不知道要怎麼感激你發了這個帖子。”

Tummies are beautiful.小肚腩真的很美麗。


