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Mana 武器 暗夜精靈 遊戲 NFU魔獸懷舊網 2017-04-25

與全球魔獸最大懷舊新N服抗衡的C服4月開發更新 修復乾貨很強





動作中放到可以妥善處理刺激狀態下的威脅的代碼中了,結果就是要分兩步處理。第一步是防止週期性的魔法增加產生威脅(如 魔法泉水圖騰)。起初Ascent 模擬器的法術代碼直接修改目標的魔法,所以並沒有增加威脅。Asura 修改並優化了一些代碼,所以這些週期的激勵狀態可以調用







我在做而且頭疼的另一件事情是額外攻擊流程。這是wower迷喜歡的,而且大量的惡語,互相牴觸的證據,各種困惑在beta的討論中從未停止。但似乎沒有人真正知道這是什麼,怎麼和其他交互。用暴雪的那些法術描述中的-困惑的術語,重複的聲明並沒有什麼幫助。比如,劍專精說在產生傷害後給你x%的機率得到一次額外攻擊, 痛擊(痛擊之刃觸發)說下次攻擊獲得一個額外攻擊。




















Good evening,

Time for a quick rundown of the last two weeks. The database bugs have been slower in coming so we've been focusing more on core work. We've also been taking a bit of vacation and dealing with other miscellaneous real-life business.

Asura has been doing a lot of work on spellpower coefficients, buffs and debuffs, and spell family assignments. We've been fixing a bunch of triggered spells and spending an inordinate amount of time on Bloodrage. I'm quite sick of that spell by now. Some other miscellaneous bugs we've fixed up include issues with item saving, a weird bug that made abilities go on permanent cooldown, and some junky old Ascent hacks that needed to be removed and done properly.

What else.. mana shield fixes, polymorph health regen, some visual bugs.. Just a lot of miscellaneous stuff rather than one or two big things. Rodeg, for example, wrote up a handler so that rested XP properly applies to mob kills.

Of the things I mentioned we were working on last update, two of the three are done. The save/load issue with Auras is fixed, it was actually a problem with Warriors such that the threat modifier from Battle Stance applied all the time on top of whatever stance you were in at the time.

I just put the finishing touches on some code that properly handles the threat from Energize effects, which ended up having to be done in two different stages. First was preventing threat from periodic mana gains (ie. Mana Spring Totem). Originally the Ascent spell code for this effect just directly modified the target's Mana field, so it never got into the threat code. Asura did some updating and modernization of the code, and now those periodic Energize effects call the regular Energize code, which does have a threat component, so it became necessary to identify and ignore threat generation from periodic mana sources like Mana Spring or Blessing of Wisdom.

Secondly, research from our Beta testers indicated that threat from Rage gains (also an Energize effect) should be unmodified by percentage threat modifiers (ie. Stances). That is, when you gain a point of rage from an effect like Shield Specialization or Bloodrage, it should give you 5 threat, only 5 threat, and always 5 threat. Salvation, Tranquil Air, Defensive Stance, etc. cannot modify that amount. This was corrected by implementing a custom attribute that allowed threat modifiers to be ignored and applying it to the relevant spells. I tried a couple different ways of doing this but the custom attrib came out the cleanest.

I still need to look at that junk about combo points. I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is, likely something to do with the sequence of events and the timing of when the combo points are removed again. We had a problem with this before when the spell delay system was implemented, where the combo points were being removed as soon as the cast completed, but if the effect was delayed by the queue, then when the effect fired off, the combo points were already gone. We put in a fix for this that worked for a while, but obviously the spell system refactoring has broken that again, so I'll have to take another look at the sequencing.

The other thing I'm working on and am currently neck-deep in is Extra Strike processing. This is a fan favorite and never fails to generate a huge amount of acrimony, contradictory evidence and utter confusion in the beta chat. Nobody seems to really, fully understand how these things are supposed to work and interact with each other. It doesn't help that Blizzard used some doublespeak and confusing terms in their spell descriptions. Sword Specialization, for example, says "Gives you an x% chance to get an extra attack on the same target after dealing damage with your sword", where Thrash (the triggered spell from the Thrash Blade) says "Grants an extra attack on your next swing."

When they say "next swing", does that mean it applies that second swing instantly, or does it save up the attack and the next time you autoattack, it hits twice? If that is the case, does it matter how long it is between attacks? Can you proc an extra attack for "your next swing", run around a bit, and then use it against a different mob? When do extra attacks "on your next swing" actually get used up? Can the extra attacks you get proc additional extra attacks? If so, do they apply on the same swing, or on the next swing? Can the same ability proc multiple times on the same initial swing? (Btw, right now, ours is applying on the next swing, which is goofy. Similar to the issue I mentioned above with combo points, I believe this has to do with the sequencing of when the extra attacks are queued up versus when they are executed. I'm going to look into that.) Some of these are rhetorical questions to which we already know the answers, but people ask nonetheless, and with good reason.

Blizzard changed many of these abilities several times over the course of Vanilla, so contradictory evidence exists for a number of different situations. I've seen screenshots of quadruple Ironfoe procs, or Windfury proccing Sword Spec proccing Windfury again. I've seen combat log entries where three different abilities proc on the same swing but only one extra attack is actually granted.

Given that there seems to be virtually no consensus on how this stuff is supposed to work, my opinion is that I'm going to go Blizzlike+ and try to untangle it into something coherent, removing some of the shenanigans that Blizzard apparently tried to remove.

- First, I'm going to have all extra strikes process immediately after the strike that procced them. You can't build up extra strikes on one target and carry them to another (Except for Reckoning, different story there). If the target dies or becomes immune/untargetable, any remaining extra strikes will be wasted. This is a bug affecting us right now but I mean to get rid of that ASAP.

- Secondly, a single strike can only proc one "extra strike" counter. For example, if you have Ironfoe enchanted with Fiery Weapon, and a Hand of Justice, you make an autoattack and all three proc on that swing, what will happen is you get the Fiery Weapon proc on the initial autoattack, and you gain two extra strikes (both from Ironfoe - the Hand of Justice proc is ignored because it is a weaker version of the Ironfoe proc), instead of adding them together for three extra attacks. This behavior is made fairly clear in 1.12-era references whereby Sword Spec, Windfury Totem and Hand of Justice all proccing simultaneously only results in 1 extra attack rather than three. In short, only the highest procced value applies on a given strike. This is the tricky one, not sure how to do this just yet.

- Thirdly, the extra strikes can proc additional extra strikes, but only from other sources, and only once per source. I already have a working version of this code but it needs further refinement. Ie.

This is OK: Initial Autoattack procs Windfury -> Windfury extra attack procs HoJ -> HoJ extra attack procs Ironfoe

This is not: Initial Autoattack procs Windfury -> Windfury extra attack procs ANOTHER Windfury

This is also not: Initial Autoattack procs Windfury -> Windfury extra attack procs HoJ -> HoJ extra attack procs ANOTHER Windfury

I realize this isn't 100% Blizzlike, but it's obviously something Blizzard was trying to correct all along; they made a number of efforts to resolve it, and I don't like the idea that you could have the stars align and just keep chain proccing extra attacks back and forth and one-shot anything in the game. That kind of behavior is clearly unintended and exploitative, and I see no reason to leave in a broken mechanic just because Blizzard's attempts to fix it were a hamfisted series of half-measures, stealth patches, nerfs, buffs and mechanic reworks. I'm willing to listen to opinions on this, but I don't promise I'll change my mind. It's obvious that there are a lot of contradictory evidences for this mechanic working a lot of different ways, so I'm just setting out an intention and saying, "this is how I plan to have it working on CF".

Alright, I suppose that bit of discussion has thoroughly enraged all horde players reading this for one reason or another. I'll leave it there for now, and again, I'm willing to listen to some opinion on it. If I wasn't I wouldn't mention it, but don't take that as license to go ape crazy on me, please.

That's all for now. My next update will be on Monday May 1st. As always, feel free to leave comments or ask questions below. Talk to you soon, and thanks again for your continued interest in Crestfall.

