
心理 喜马拉雅FM 喜馬拉雅FM 2017-11-28

The Conference Board’s consumer-confidence index, which measures both American consumers’ assessment of current conditions and their expectations, rose to its highest level since 2001. Updated figures from the Commerce Department confirmed earlier estimates that the economy grew by 1.6% year-on-year in 2016, the slowest rate for five years—though growth picked up to 1.9% in the final quarter. Conference Board: 世界大型企業聯合會 Consumer-confidence index:消費者信心指數 Assessment:評估 Pick up:加速 英語學新聞,睜眼看世界。 每週一、三、五更新,為您提供最新鮮的英語新聞講解; 每週二、四,夏老師新浪微博內會放出複習新聞講解。 歡迎搜索《夏說英文-暴虐跟讀集訓營 【單集體驗版】》收聽體驗暴虐朗讀版。 歡迎搜索 《夏說英文-暴虐跟讀集訓營【全年訂閱版】》購買一年的暴虐朗讀版,享受6折優惠。 想了解更多關於我們的信息, 請關注 新浪微博:教書匠小夏 微信公眾號:教書匠小夏 推薦關注微信公眾號收聽美音版:萬娘娘 添加微信:treeism11 諮詢友鄰優課會員收費課程。

