“粉紅之星”鑽石在香港拍出天價 刷新全球寶石紀錄

珠寶 Pink 周大福 蘇富比 中國日報 2017-04-11


“粉紅之星”鑽石在香港拍出天價 刷新全球寶石紀錄

A rare diamond known as the Pink Star has been sold in Hong Kong for more than $71m (£57m), setting a new world record for any gemstone at auction. 在香港最近一次拍賣會上,一顆名為“粉紅之星”的珍貴鑽石以7100萬美元(4.9億元人民幣)的成交價刷新了全球寶石拍賣紀錄。

The oval-shaped 59.6 carat stone was bought after just five minutes' bidding at Sotheby's, reports said. 報道稱,蘇富比拍賣行起拍才五分鐘,這顆重達59.6克拉的橢圓形鑽石就被買走。

It is the largest polished diamond in its class to go under the hammer. 它是拍賣史上同等級拋光鑽石中最大的一顆。

It sold for $83m in Geneva in 2013 but the buyer later defaulted. The record until now was held by the Oppenheimer Blue, which sold for $50m last May. 2013年,這顆鑽石曾在日內瓦拍出8300萬美元的高價,但之後買家違約了。迄今為止的世界記錄由去年五月份賣出5000萬美元的“奧本海默之藍”保持。

Bidding for the gem, which was found by De Beers at a mine in Africa in 1999 and cut over a period of two years, began at $56m. “粉紅之星”是戴比爾斯公司於1999年在非洲的一個礦山中發現的。經過了兩年的打磨,起拍價定為5600萬美元。

Sotheby's said the buyer was Hong Kong jewellery retailer Chow Tai Fook Jewellery. 蘇富比公司稱,買方為香港珠寶零售商周大福。

“粉紅之星”鑽石在香港拍出天價 刷新全球寶石紀錄

Alexander Breckner, head of diamonds at jewellers "77 Diamonds", told the BBC that the stone was exceptional. 77鑽石(77 Diamonds)珠寶商鑽石部門的負責人亞歷山大•布雷克納向BBC表示,這顆鑽石非常罕見珍貴。

"It's the largest pink diamond ever found in the history of humankind. It's an incredible colour to it. “它是人類歷史上發現的最大的粉色鑽石,它的顏色令人歎為觀止。”

"And the sheer size of the stone already makes it so rare and so beautiful." “單是它的體積,就足以證明它的罕見和美麗了。”

Previous records set in stone 曾經刷新記錄的寶石:

May 2016: A large diamond known as the Oppenheimer Blue set a new auction record, reaching a price of $50.6m. The 14.62-carat gem was sold after 20 minutes of phone bidding at Christie's auction house in Geneva. The buyer's identity is unknown. 2016年5月:一顆大藍鑽“奧本海默之藍”以5060萬美金的價格刷新了拍賣紀錄。在日內瓦,佳士得公司主持了二十分鐘的電話拍賣,售出了這顆重達14.62克拉的鑽石。買方身份不明。

“粉紅之星”鑽石在香港拍出天價 刷新全球寶石紀錄

November 2015: The Blue Moon, a 12.03-carat ring-mounted blue diamond, caught the eye of Hong Kong tycoon Joseph Lau, who paid a record $48.4m for the cushion-shaped stone. He bought it for his seven-year-old daughter, renaming it the "Blue Moon of Josephine" after her. 2015年11月:“藍月”,重達12.03克拉,鑲嵌到指環上的鑽石,吸引了香港富豪劉鑾雄的關注,他花費4840萬美元買下了這顆枕形鑽石。他買下這顆鑽石作為送給7歲女兒的禮物,並用女兒的名字將這顆鑽石改名為“約瑟芬的藍月”。

“粉紅之星”鑽石在香港拍出天價 刷新全球寶石紀錄

May 2015: An unnamed buyer made history after purchasing the Sunrise Ruby, a 25.59-carat "pigeon blood" coloured gemstone, for $30m. At that price, it became the world's most expensive precious stone other than a diamond. 2015年5月:一位收藏家匿名買走了“日出紅寶石”,重達25.59克拉的鴿血紅寶石,以3000萬美元的價格創造了新紀錄。這一成交價讓它成為了除了鑽石之外世界上最珍貴的稀有寶石。

“粉紅之星”鑽石在香港拍出天價 刷新全球寶石紀錄

November 2013: The "largest vivid orange diamond in the world", according to Christie's, attracted the highest price paid per carat for any diamond at auction, selling for $35m, or $2.4m per carat. 2013年11月:佳士得稱,“世界上最大的豔彩橙色鑽石”刷新了每克拉鑽石拍賣價最高的記錄。它的成交價為3500萬美元,平均每克拉240萬美元。

“粉紅之星”鑽石在香港拍出天價 刷新全球寶石紀錄

November 2010: The Graff Pink, a 24.78-carat "fancy intense pink" stone described as "one of the greatest diamonds ever discovered", auctioned for $46.2m. At the time it was believed to be the most expensive gemstone bought at auction and was sold to the well-known British dealer Laurence Graff. 2010年11月:“格拉夫粉鑽”,這顆重達24.78克拉的“濃彩粉紅”鑽石被描述為“人類有史以來發現的最偉大的鑽石之一”,拍賣成交價4620萬美元。當時,它被認為是拍賣公司經手的最昂貴的寶石,被賣給了英國知名珠寶商勞倫斯•格拉夫先生。

“粉紅之星”鑽石在香港拍出天價 刷新全球寶石紀錄

英文來源:BBC 翻譯:王雪薇(中國日報網愛新聞iNews譯者)編審:丹妮

