
英語 FLOW S.H.E Another 總裁英語微課堂 2017-05-18

7 Survival Phrases and Cultural Fluency

You may have perfect grammar, but grammar does not make you a good intercultural communicator, nor does it make you confident and effective in your speaking.


Today we will explore 7 important phrases that will not only dramatically improve your cultural fluency in English, they will also make you sound more natural and confident.


In its essence, cultural fluency is how communication is influenced by attitudes, body language, customs, and other intangible and often ambiguous aspects of communication that are not easy to perceive.


But if you can find a way to learn and teach this stuff, it is dynamite for your English fluency. This guide will teach you an important aspect of the cultural fluency system that we teach every student here at Real Life English.


Here’s a quick overview of the top 6 culturally indelicate responses English speakers/learners make when they don’t understand something. You generally SHOULD NOT respond in the following ways in English:

以下是6個最常用,面對不能很好理解對方講話,不禮貌的回覆, Don’t:

  • “What?”

  • “I didn’t/don’t Understand”

  • “uhhh?”

  • Confused/puzzled look


  • Body language expressing fear or frustration toward the speaker


  • Looking for help from another person


A few days ago, Real Life English had another monthly international English speaking party in Belo Horizonte,Brazil. There were about 150 attendees of all English levels, including many native speakers.


Here’s a conversation I had with an intermediate English speaker:


Me: So what do you do enjoy about your job?


Girl: WhaT? (sharp “t” sound”)


Me: What do you enjoy about your job? (more slowly)

我: (慢速重複)

Girl:(Confused look- and then she said, “What do I enjoy??? Enjoy?!?!?!?! I don’t understand. Speak in Portuguese.”)

女孩:(困惑的表情,然後她說:what do I enjou??? Enjoy????我不明白你的意思,當然是用葡萄牙與說的)

Her inability to investigate the meaning of just one word, by saying “what does ENJOY mean?” decreased the quality of our conversation. It didn’t flow in a natural way because the girl didn’t have strong survival phrases, and this made me feel awkward talking with her.


She had solid grammar, and although she needed work on her listening, she should have been capable of communicating fluently. Because of her lack cultural fluency, however, she had very low confidence, and poor communication strategies.

When she said “what?,” something in me closed and I felt like she was interrogating me. Because I’m experienced with this and teach it all the time, I taught her what you’re going to learn today.


Not only did she start speaking more English, but an hour later I saw her having a fluent conversation, using the phrases, and speaking with way more confidence.


Obviously she was the same girl, with the same grammar level, but she was speaking A LOT better because she learned simple cultural fluency strategies.


If you do not have an intuitive feel for the human and cultural elements of English communication, native speakers will feel less comfortable and natural speaking with you.


When this happens, I often speak slower because you probably won’t understand many aspects of my pronunciation, and this will force me to make a conscious effort to use easier words.


Because I have to speak slower, and the communication is not very efficient, the conversation seems less natural, and it feels like I’m teaching rather than communicating. The conversation becomes work for me.


If you know how to respond when you don’t know, native speakers will feel more authentic speaking at a normal speed, and you will feel more comfortable letting them.


What follows is a list of responses that are polite, maybe even in a little bit of an exaggerated way, but they will greatly facilitate your cultural fluency.


BELOW:Listen to the AUDIO (and Repeat) for All Phrases Below


1. Sorry?/ Excuse Me?/ Pardon?

Native speakers use “what?” sometimes, but it’s very indelicate, or impolite in a subtle, almost unconscious way. It’s like you’re interrogating the speaker. Native speakers don’t pronounce the sharp “T” sound at the end, and when non-natives do this, it’s a bit indelicate.


2. Can you repeat that? /

Can you speak slower (or more slowly)?

3. What does ( said word ) mean?

4. How do you saysaidword?

5. What do you mean?

Native speakers don’t say “I don’t understand” much in social interaction. This seems more formal, more rigid, and is not common in social situations.

母語人士大多少社交場合不會說“I don’t understand”,因為這句話非常正式,語氣生硬,在社交場合不常用到。

6. (Do You) Know What I mean?/ “Know What I’m Saying”

If you say “do you understand?” to verify that people are following and understanding you, you communicate insecurity, or a lack of confidence in your English.

如果你說“do you understand?”,是在確認對方是否正在跟上和明白你的意思,透露出你在英語交流時的不安全感,或是缺乏自信。

7. Body Language and Fluent Communication

what’s the appropriate body language for communication? Ideally, you shouldn’t cross your arms or legs. When you don’t understand, lean forward and communicate that you are open and interested in learning from the other person. This is active and engaged listening.


Learning fluency in these survival phrases is not hard, but the reward is BIG. It will provide you with armor, and you can go into battle and learn, communicate, make mistakes, and struggle, but your communication and learning will be much more fluid and culturally acceptable.


