
英語 幼兒英語 MIKE Flock 英語週報 2017-06-14




大家好,我是來自山西省太原市五一路小學的李明朗,今年6歲了。我非常喜歡英語,四歲的時候參加了太原市幼兒英語大賽,獲得了一等獎。5歲時,我媽媽到澳大利亞做訪問學者,我隨媽媽一起到了阿德萊德市,現在Highgate Primary School 讀一年級。在學校老師和同學的幫助下,我進步很快,已經多次獲得了學校的獎勵。今年5月,學校評選優秀學生,全校有300多個學生,但只有10個人可以獲得這個榮譽,我是其中之一,而且我的英語已經是novels級別了,我感到非常自豪。

今天我和大家分享“HOME IN THE SKY”,希望你們喜歡我的聲音,也希望《英語週報》越辦越好,我可以在這個平臺上和更多喜歡英語的小朋友一起交流,共同學習,共同進步!





Every day, at sunrise and sunset, a flock of pigeons bursts into the sky.

The pigeons belong to Mike.

They live on the roof of an abandoned, burned-out building.

Every morning, before feeding time, Mike lets the pigeons out of their coop.

They fly in a swirling cloud across the rooftops.

When Mike whistles, the pigeons know it is time to come back for breakfast and they fly home.

But one morning when Mike whistles one of his pigeons flies away.

Where are you going, LIGHT?

LIGHT flies and flies but he’s hungry.

He's missed his breakfast.

LIGHT flies on…

It starts to rain.

His wings become heavy.

Where will you go now, LIGHT?

LIGHT flies through an open doorway.


Swish, the doors close behind him.

A boy picks him up.

He holds LIGHT firmly, and gently strokes his feathers so LIGHT feels safe.

The boy walks home cuddling LIGHT to his chest.

“Can I keep him?” he asks his mother.

“But Carlos, he already has a home,” she says, and explains that the band around LIGHT's leg means he belongs to someone.

Carlos takes LIGHT to the window and places him gently on the sill.

He hopes LIGHT will want to stay.

But LIGHT spreads his wings and flies away.

Where will you go now, LIGHT?

LIGHT flies over buildings he has never seen before.

But he knows just where to go.

He's flying home.

That evening, as Mike feeds his pigeons, someone lands on his shoulder, someone nestles against his face.

“Welcome home,” says Mike.

“Where did you go?”

Next morning, from his own rooftop, Carlos sees a flock of pigeons sweeping across the sky.

He is sure he sees one white pigeon among them.

He is sure he sees LIGHT at home in the sky.





雙語美文:Slow Days in the Past

雙語美文:When you are old

雙語美文:To Be or Not To Be

