教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!




首先,我們開了解一下心理學的理論學派奠基人,西格蒙德·弗洛伊德,精神分析學的創始人。西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud,1856年5月6日—1939年9月23日),奧地利精神病醫師(psychiatrist)、心理學家(psychologist)、精神分析學派(psychoanalytic school)創始人。

教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!

1873年入維也納大學醫學院學習,1881年獲醫學博士學位。1882—1885年在維也納綜合醫院擔任醫師,從事腦解剖和病理學研究。然後私人開業治療精神病。1895年正式提出精神分析的概念。1899年出版《夢的解析》(Interpretation of Dreams),被認為是精神分析心理學的正式形成。 1919年成立國際精神分析學會,標誌著精神分析學派最終形成。1930年被授予歌德獎。1936年成為英國皇家學會會員。1938年奧地利被德國侵佔,赴英國避難,次年於倫敦逝世。他開創了潛意識(subconscious)研究的新領域,促進了動力心理學(dynamic psychology)、人格心理學(personality psychology)和變態心理學(abnormal psychology)的發展,奠定了現代醫學模式的新基礎,為20世紀西方人文學科提供了重要理論支柱。

教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!


1、 cognition=認知,這是經常被提及的概念。它指的是人的腦部把外界信息轉化成自身對於事物的接受過程,比如記憶,想象等都屬於人的認知。TPO14得第一篇講座,就詳細介紹了人們認知的侷限。

認知心理學(cognitive psychology),20 世紀 50 年代中期在西方興起的一種心理學思潮和研究方向。廣義指研究人類的高級心理過程(higher mental process),主要是認識過程(cognitive process),如注意(attention)、知覺(sense)、表象、記憶(memory)、創造性(creativity)、問題解決(problem solving)、言語(language)和思維(mindset)等。狹義相當於當代的信息加工心理學(information process psychology)。即採用信息加工觀點研究認知過程。其歷史背景,可以追溯到兩千年前的古希臘時代。當時一些傑出的哲學家和思想家如柏拉圖、亞里士多德等都對記憶和思維這類認知過程作過思索。除了哲學思想的影響外,還可以從心理學本身的發展及與鄰近一些學科交叉滲透的影響來考察。

2、 sense=感覺,感知能力在心理學上的定義是人腦通過其感受器所接收到的刺激的物理信息。感官就是負責接收特定的物理刺激(physical stimulation),再將刺激轉換成可被人腦理解的電化學信息的物理系統。感覺通過感官(sense)獲得對,如:光(light)、色(color)、聲(sound)、味(taste)、力(strength)、冷(coldness)、熱(hot)、痛(pain)等等的感覺。感覺器官對刺激有最低閾限——最小的能感受到的刺激。

3、 behaviorism=行為學,部分心理學家認為,人的心理是看不到的,只能通過行為來分析,因此誕生了心理學的一個流派,即行為心理行為學。

行為心理學(Behavioristic psychology)是20世紀初起源於美國的一個心理學流派,它的創建人為美國心理學家華生。行為主義觀點認為,心理學不應該研究意識(consciousness),只應該研究行為(behaviour)。所謂行為就是有機體用以適應環境變化(adaptation to the environment)的各種身體反應的組合。這些反應不外是肌肉收縮(muscle contraction)和腺體分泌(glandular secretion),它們有的表現在身體外部,有的隱藏在身體內部,強度有大有小。

教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!



指在控制條件下操縱某種變量(variable)來考查它對其他變量影響的研究方法(research method)。是有目的地控制(control)一定的條件(condition)或創設一定的情境(context),以引起被試的某些心理活動進行研究的一種方法。

作為一門科學,心理學當然是通過實驗來驗證某個假設(hypothesis),某個理論(theory)。不同於物理,化學一般採用的器具,心理學的實驗的被試(research subject)目前只針對人或動物。實驗目標群可能是一個人或動物,也可能是一組群人或者動物。為了證明人或動物是否具有某個心理過程,會設定一些情境來進行記錄。

實驗室實驗(laboratory experiment):

實驗室實驗法,便於嚴格控制各種因素,並通過專門儀器(measuring instrument)進行測試和記錄實驗數據(experimental data),一般具有較高的信度(reliability)。通常多用於研究心理過程(psychological process)和某些心理活動的生理機制(physiological mechanism)等方面的問題。

自然實驗法(natural experiment)

這是在日常生活等自然條件下,有目的、有計劃地創設和控制一定的條件來進行研究的一種方法。自然實驗法比較接近人的生活實際,易於實施(easy to operation/implementation),又兼有實驗法和觀察法的優點,所以這種方法被廣泛用於研究教育心理學(educational psychology)、兒童心理學(child psychology)和社會心理學(social psychology)的大量課程。

教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!

教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!

TPO30 Lecture 1 Metacognition 元認知,為了研究動物是否具有像人類一樣,除了確定,否定之外,同樣擁有不確定的高級思維,用海豚和猴子來分別進行實驗;

Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class.

Professor: We’ve been talking about animal cognition—the study of animal intelligence. Now, much of the research in this area is motivated by the search for animal analogues, or parallels to human cognitive processes.And one of the processes we’ve been investigating is metacognition.

What is metacognition? Well, it’s being aware of what one knows or feels, uh, um… having an awareness of one’s state of mind.And making decisions about behavior based on what one knows.Researchers have long been interested in whether animals possess this capability, but…but couldn’t test it because animals aren’t able to report their feelings.

而今天要講的是元認知(metacognition)。 元認知就是個體能意識到自己的心理狀態,但科學家一直無法破解此祕密,主要是因為動物不能很好地傳達自己的感情。

But recently one group of researchers found a way to solve this problem. They did studies with…with monkeys and dolphins that provide evidence that these animals have the ability to feel uncertainty, to feel unsure about something and…and…well, to know that they are uncertain.


So how could these researchers figure out if an animal feels uncertainty? Well, it began with a study one of them did on a dolphin, who had been trained to recognize a particular high-pitched tone.The dolphin was taught to press one of two paddles depending on whether it heard the high tone or one that was lower. Food was a reward for a correct response.

But if the wrong paddle was pressed, the dolphin had to wait several seconds before it could try again. The task varied in difficulty according to the pitch of the second tone. The closer it came in pitch to the first one, the harder it became for the dolphin to correctly identify it as low.And the researcher noted that the dolphin is quite eager to press the paddle when it was sure of the answer, but exhibited hesitation during difficult trials.

先說“海豚實驗”,在實驗中研究者讓海豚識別音高不同的兩次音 調,並訓練海豚對高或低的音高做出反應----按踏板。如果答對一道, 海豚會得到獎勵;但如果答錯就需要等下一次嘗試。

Next the researcher introduced a third option, a third paddle that would initiate a new trial, giving the dolphin the choice of passing on difficult trials.Once the dolphin figured out the result of pressing this new paddle, it did choose it frequently when the trial was difficult. The researcher took that as an indication that the animal wanted to pass because it didn’t know the answer and knew it didn’t know.


But there was a problem. Other researchers protested that the… the opt-out response was simply a learned or conditioned response. You remember intro to psychology, right? In other words, by pressing the pass paddle, the dolphin avoided having to wait and hasten the possibility of a full reward by moving directly to the next trial.So the experiment didn’t necessarily indicate that the dolphin had knowledge of its own uncertainty, just that it wantedto avoid negative consequences.


教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!

TPO43的Lecture 2 Approximate Number Sense,為了驗證對數字的預估能力是否和數學能力有關聯,把同一群人在8歲和14歲的測試數據收集分析。

教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!

Professor: For some time now, psychologists have been aware of an ability we all share. It's the ability to sort of judge or estimate the numbers or relative quantities of things. It's called the Approximate Number Sense, or ANS.

ANS is a very basic, innate ability. It's what enables you to decide at a glance whether there're more apples than oranges on a shelf. And studies have shown that even six-month-old infants are able to use this sense to some extent. And if you think about it, you'll realize that it's an ability that some animals have as well.

Student: Animals have number...uh...approximate...?

Professor: Approximate Number Sense. Sure. Just think: would a bird choose to feed in a bush filled with berries or in a bush with half as many berries?


隨後教授通過列舉六個月嬰兒的例子主要是為了支持ANS is a very basic innate ability.

文章中的第二個實驗描述中,教授提到,slide閃現的目的是不給受試者時間去數這些黃色的點和藍色的點,也就是說,受試者不可能用formal mathematics的方式來完成這些任務。

第三個實驗,教授提到,針對14歲青少年受試者的實驗結果顯示,不同的受試者在ANS proficiency方面顯示出了較大的差別。


教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!

在心理學講座的主題部分,主題一定是關於某個抽象的論點,一般是動物或者人是否具備某些心理能力,如上兩段的舉例。瞭解託福聽力的同學們都知道,教授討論的學術主題出現的大多數在文章的前半部分,並且絕大部分會被教授用Today we are going to focus on / today we will talk about等固定句型帶出。


科學的心理學不能只限於描述心理事實(mental fact),而應從現象的描述(description)過渡到現象(phenomenon)的說明,即揭示某些現象所遵循的規律(the rules to follow)。一方面,研究各種心理現象的發生(psychological generation mechanism)、發展(psychological development)、相互聯繫(mutural connection),以及表現出的特性(psychological characteristics)和作用(psychological effect)等。另一方面是研究心理現象所賴以發生和表現的機制。它包括心理機制(mental mechanism)和生理機制(physiological mechanism)兩個層面上的研究。前者研究心理現象所涉及到的心理結構(mental structure)組成成分間相互關係的變化;後者研究心理現象背後所涉及到的生理或生化成分(physiological component)的相互關係(interrelation/correlation)和變化。

教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!


Female Professor: We’ve said that the term “cognition” refers to mental states like knowing and believing, and to mental processes we use to arrive at those states. So, for example, reasoning is a cognitive process, so is perception. We use information that we perceivethrough our senses to help us make decisions, to arrive at beliefs and so on.


And then there are memory and imagination which relate to the knowledge of things that happen in the past or may happen in the future. So, perceiving, remembering, imagining are all internal mental processes that lead to knowing or believing. Yet, each of these processes has limitations and can lead us to hold mistaken beliefs or make false predictions.

教授說,當我們挖掘我們的記憶時,大腦會自動填入 blind spot 當中缺失的信息,為此他還舉了一個例子,當聽到別人說“太陽從…升起”時,我們會自動認為別人說的是太陽從東方升起。

Take memory for example. Maybe you’ve heard of studies in which people hear a list of related words. Um, let’s say a list of different kinds of fruit, after hearing this list, they’re presented with several additional words. In this case, we’ll say the additional words were “blanket” and “cherry”. Neither of these words was on the original list. And while people will claim correctly that “blanket” was not on the original list, they’ll also claim incorrectly that the word “cherry” was on the list.

教授指出影響 microclimates 的因素有許多,其中提到了幾點,包括the elevation of the land,the plant life nearby和human development in the area。

教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!

心理學作為一門比較年輕的科學,目前較多的心理學實驗都依然在進行中,所以心理學家們想要證明的較多論點,大多數尚未有確切的結論進行觀點的彙總。比如TPO15,TPO30,TPO43中的尾聲段落,都提到依然需要更多的實驗證據(experimental evidence)或者是更多的實驗數據(experimental data)。

教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!


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教書匠阿倫-【乾貨滿滿】 - 託福聽力 - ETS的心理學考試套路!

