The Man And The Satyr(雙語晨讀)

希臘神話 森林之神 SAT Best Of 翅膀英語 2019-07-04
The Man And The Satyr(雙語晨讀)

The Man And The Satyr(雙語晨讀)


by Aesop


A long time ago a Man met a Satyr in the forest and succeeded in making friends with him.


The two soon became the best of comrades, living together in the Man's hut.


But one cold winter evening, as they were walking homeward, the Satyr saw the Man blow on his fingers.


"Why do you do that?" asked the Satyr.


"To warm my hands," the Man replied.


When they reached home the Man prepared two bowls of porridge. These he placed steaming hot on the table, and the comrades sat down very cheerfully to enjoy the meal.


But much to the Satyr's surprise, the Man began to blow into his bowl of porridge.


"Why do you do that?" he asked.


"To cool my porridge," replied the Man.


The Satyr sprang hurriedly to his feet and made for the door.


"Goodby," he said, "I've seen enough. A fellow that blows hot and cold in the same breath cannot be friends with me!"


The man who talks for both sides is not to be trusted by either.


The Man And The Satyr(雙語晨讀)


1、Satyr n./ˈsætə(r)/ 薩堤爾(古希臘神話中半人半羊的森林之神)

2、hut n./hʌt/小屋

【拓展】a wooden hut 小木屋

3、blow on his fingers對著手指吹氣(以保持暖和)

【拓展】這個短語應該十分好記。在寒冷的冬天,特別是在戶外的,當你的手快要凍僵的時候,你就對著手指吹氣(blow on your fingers)以保持暖和。

4、porridge n. /ˈpɒrɪdʒ/ 粥

【拓展】我想要喝粥:I want some porridge. 一碗粥:a bowl of porridge.

5、much to the Satyr's surprise:令薩堤爾大感意外的是

【拓展】to one's surprise/astonishment 讓人驚訝的是

to one's advantage/disadvantage 對……有利/不利

to one's amusement/entertainment 令人覺得好玩的是

to one's annoyance/irritation 令人煩惱的是

to one's

delight/pleasure/cheerfulness/joy 令人高興的是

to one's disappointment/sadness 令人失望的是

to one's embarrassment 令人難堪的是

to one's face 當著……的面

to one's heart’s content 盡情地

to one's horror/indignation 令人恐懼/憤怒的是

to one's knowledge 據……所知

to one's liking/taste 合……的胃口,稱……的心

to one's mind 依……之見

to one's regret/relief 令人感到遺憾/欣慰的是

to one's satisfaction/shame/sorrow 令人滿意/慚愧的是

6、sprang to his feet=stood up suddenly 立刻站起來

【拓展】to spring to sb's defence/assistance (= to quickly defend or help sb) 連忙站出來保護╱幫助某人

7、blow hot and cold 反覆無常、猶豫不決

【例句】Some people can make up their minds right away, but others blow hot and cold. 一些人能很快下決心,可另一些人就老是猶豫不決。

8、in the same breath 但緊接著,但同時(意味著與前一段意圖或意思相反)

【例句】He praised my work and in the same breath told me I would have to leave. 他稱讚了一番我的工作,但緊接著卻對我說不得不辭退我。

The Man And The Satyr(雙語晨讀)

