'Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界'


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.



Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.



Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.



Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.



Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of this subject focuses on the moral of the topic story and teaches students about politeness and being caring.

Lesson 2


This lesson is a video lesson from the series Super Why which tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears whilst also teaching them more English words.

Lesson 3


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of this subject focuses on the moral of the topic story and teaches students about politeness and being caring.

Lesson 2


This lesson is a video lesson from the series Super Why which tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears whilst also teaching them more English words.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


The third lesson of PSHE expands upon the topic’s moral and begins to look at being clean and tidy, expanding upon the theme of respect.

Lesson 4


A further dialogue lesson will follow lesson three to help reinforce the importance of being clean and tidy.


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of this subject focuses on the moral of the topic story and teaches students about politeness and being caring.

Lesson 2


This lesson is a video lesson from the series Super Why which tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears whilst also teaching them more English words.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


The third lesson of PSHE expands upon the topic’s moral and begins to look at being clean and tidy, expanding upon the theme of respect.

Lesson 4


A further dialogue lesson will follow lesson three to help reinforce the importance of being clean and tidy.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1

第一節課將學習porridge. 這是主題故事中所提到的特色早餐。課程將展示如何製作porridge,以及兩種常用的配料。

The first lesson takes and look at porridge, a breakfast meal that features in the topic’s story. The lesson will show what goes into making this dish and two common toppings used with it.

Lesson 2

第二節課將向學生展示如何製作porridge, 同時探索這些材料的密度是如何發生變化。

The second lesson will be an experiment showing the students how to make porridge, whilst exploring how the density of the ingredients change.

Lesson 3


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of this subject focuses on the moral of the topic story and teaches students about politeness and being caring.

Lesson 2


This lesson is a video lesson from the series Super Why which tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears whilst also teaching them more English words.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


The third lesson of PSHE expands upon the topic’s moral and begins to look at being clean and tidy, expanding upon the theme of respect.

Lesson 4


A further dialogue lesson will follow lesson three to help reinforce the importance of being clean and tidy.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1

第一節課將學習porridge. 這是主題故事中所提到的特色早餐。課程將展示如何製作porridge,以及兩種常用的配料。

The first lesson takes and look at porridge, a breakfast meal that features in the topic’s story. The lesson will show what goes into making this dish and two common toppings used with it.

Lesson 2

第二節課將向學生展示如何製作porridge, 同時探索這些材料的密度是如何發生變化。

The second lesson will be an experiment showing the students how to make porridge, whilst exploring how the density of the ingredients change.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson looks at various fruits that at used as a topping on porridge. As the students learnt the word fruit in a previous topic they will now learn particular fruits that are frequently eaten in Britain.

Lesson 4


Another science experiment will be carried out in this lesson continuing to look at density, and how various objects pass through certain liquids and do not through others. The students will be asked with each object whether it will sink or float.


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of this subject focuses on the moral of the topic story and teaches students about politeness and being caring.

Lesson 2


This lesson is a video lesson from the series Super Why which tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears whilst also teaching them more English words.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


The third lesson of PSHE expands upon the topic’s moral and begins to look at being clean and tidy, expanding upon the theme of respect.

Lesson 4


A further dialogue lesson will follow lesson three to help reinforce the importance of being clean and tidy.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1

第一節課將學習porridge. 這是主題故事中所提到的特色早餐。課程將展示如何製作porridge,以及兩種常用的配料。

The first lesson takes and look at porridge, a breakfast meal that features in the topic’s story. The lesson will show what goes into making this dish and two common toppings used with it.

Lesson 2

第二節課將向學生展示如何製作porridge, 同時探索這些材料的密度是如何發生變化。

The second lesson will be an experiment showing the students how to make porridge, whilst exploring how the density of the ingredients change.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson looks at various fruits that at used as a topping on porridge. As the students learnt the word fruit in a previous topic they will now learn particular fruits that are frequently eaten in Britain.

Lesson 4


Another science experiment will be carried out in this lesson continuing to look at density, and how various objects pass through certain liquids and do not through others. The students will be asked with each object whether it will sink or float.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of art will teach the students about various body parts of a bee. Bees are seen as important animal partly because of the production of honey.

Lesson 2


The students will learn how to make a paper bee in this craft making lesson. This will reinforce the keywords learnt in the previous lesson.

Lesson 3


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of this subject focuses on the moral of the topic story and teaches students about politeness and being caring.

Lesson 2


This lesson is a video lesson from the series Super Why which tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears whilst also teaching them more English words.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


The third lesson of PSHE expands upon the topic’s moral and begins to look at being clean and tidy, expanding upon the theme of respect.

Lesson 4


A further dialogue lesson will follow lesson three to help reinforce the importance of being clean and tidy.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1

第一節課將學習porridge. 這是主題故事中所提到的特色早餐。課程將展示如何製作porridge,以及兩種常用的配料。

The first lesson takes and look at porridge, a breakfast meal that features in the topic’s story. The lesson will show what goes into making this dish and two common toppings used with it.

Lesson 2

第二節課將向學生展示如何製作porridge, 同時探索這些材料的密度是如何發生變化。

The second lesson will be an experiment showing the students how to make porridge, whilst exploring how the density of the ingredients change.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson looks at various fruits that at used as a topping on porridge. As the students learnt the word fruit in a previous topic they will now learn particular fruits that are frequently eaten in Britain.

Lesson 4


Another science experiment will be carried out in this lesson continuing to look at density, and how various objects pass through certain liquids and do not through others. The students will be asked with each object whether it will sink or float.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of art will teach the students about various body parts of a bee. Bees are seen as important animal partly because of the production of honey.

Lesson 2


The students will learn how to make a paper bee in this craft making lesson. This will reinforce the keywords learnt in the previous lesson.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Students will learn about a bear in this lesson, and what sound it makes along with the various body parts of this animal.

Lesson 4


The students will learn how to paint a bear in this lesson and whilst it is carried out the keywords from the previous lesson will be reinforced.


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of this subject focuses on the moral of the topic story and teaches students about politeness and being caring.

Lesson 2


This lesson is a video lesson from the series Super Why which tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears whilst also teaching them more English words.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


The third lesson of PSHE expands upon the topic’s moral and begins to look at being clean and tidy, expanding upon the theme of respect.

Lesson 4


A further dialogue lesson will follow lesson three to help reinforce the importance of being clean and tidy.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1

第一節課將學習porridge. 這是主題故事中所提到的特色早餐。課程將展示如何製作porridge,以及兩種常用的配料。

The first lesson takes and look at porridge, a breakfast meal that features in the topic’s story. The lesson will show what goes into making this dish and two common toppings used with it.

Lesson 2

第二節課將向學生展示如何製作porridge, 同時探索這些材料的密度是如何發生變化。

The second lesson will be an experiment showing the students how to make porridge, whilst exploring how the density of the ingredients change.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson looks at various fruits that at used as a topping on porridge. As the students learnt the word fruit in a previous topic they will now learn particular fruits that are frequently eaten in Britain.

Lesson 4


Another science experiment will be carried out in this lesson continuing to look at density, and how various objects pass through certain liquids and do not through others. The students will be asked with each object whether it will sink or float.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of art will teach the students about various body parts of a bee. Bees are seen as important animal partly because of the production of honey.

Lesson 2


The students will learn how to make a paper bee in this craft making lesson. This will reinforce the keywords learnt in the previous lesson.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Students will learn about a bear in this lesson, and what sound it makes along with the various body parts of this animal.

Lesson 4


The students will learn how to paint a bear in this lesson and whilst it is carried out the keywords from the previous lesson will be reinforced.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


Maths will begin by teaching the students about British monetary terms. Students will be asked what the cost is of certain items is whilst Goldilocks goes shopping.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce what was taught in the previous lesson in order to give the students another chance to understand how the British monetary system works.

Lesson 3


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of this subject focuses on the moral of the topic story and teaches students about politeness and being caring.

Lesson 2


This lesson is a video lesson from the series Super Why which tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears whilst also teaching them more English words.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


The third lesson of PSHE expands upon the topic’s moral and begins to look at being clean and tidy, expanding upon the theme of respect.

Lesson 4


A further dialogue lesson will follow lesson three to help reinforce the importance of being clean and tidy.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1

第一節課將學習porridge. 這是主題故事中所提到的特色早餐。課程將展示如何製作porridge,以及兩種常用的配料。

The first lesson takes and look at porridge, a breakfast meal that features in the topic’s story. The lesson will show what goes into making this dish and two common toppings used with it.

Lesson 2

第二節課將向學生展示如何製作porridge, 同時探索這些材料的密度是如何發生變化。

The second lesson will be an experiment showing the students how to make porridge, whilst exploring how the density of the ingredients change.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson looks at various fruits that at used as a topping on porridge. As the students learnt the word fruit in a previous topic they will now learn particular fruits that are frequently eaten in Britain.

Lesson 4


Another science experiment will be carried out in this lesson continuing to look at density, and how various objects pass through certain liquids and do not through others. The students will be asked with each object whether it will sink or float.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of art will teach the students about various body parts of a bee. Bees are seen as important animal partly because of the production of honey.

Lesson 2


The students will learn how to make a paper bee in this craft making lesson. This will reinforce the keywords learnt in the previous lesson.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Students will learn about a bear in this lesson, and what sound it makes along with the various body parts of this animal.

Lesson 4


The students will learn how to paint a bear in this lesson and whilst it is carried out the keywords from the previous lesson will be reinforced.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


Maths will begin by teaching the students about British monetary terms. Students will be asked what the cost is of certain items is whilst Goldilocks goes shopping.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce what was taught in the previous lesson in order to give the students another chance to understand how the British monetary system works.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Expanding upon the lower numerical terms the students have learnt, the students will learn the English words for the first five set of tens. This will link in with the British notes there are.

Lesson 4


This dialogue lesson will reinforce the tens the students were taught in the previous lesson. This will not only give the students a chance to test what they have learnt but reinforce what British notes look like.


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of this subject focuses on the moral of the topic story and teaches students about politeness and being caring.

Lesson 2


This lesson is a video lesson from the series Super Why which tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears whilst also teaching them more English words.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


The third lesson of PSHE expands upon the topic’s moral and begins to look at being clean and tidy, expanding upon the theme of respect.

Lesson 4


A further dialogue lesson will follow lesson three to help reinforce the importance of being clean and tidy.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1

第一節課將學習porridge. 這是主題故事中所提到的特色早餐。課程將展示如何製作porridge,以及兩種常用的配料。

The first lesson takes and look at porridge, a breakfast meal that features in the topic’s story. The lesson will show what goes into making this dish and two common toppings used with it.

Lesson 2

第二節課將向學生展示如何製作porridge, 同時探索這些材料的密度是如何發生變化。

The second lesson will be an experiment showing the students how to make porridge, whilst exploring how the density of the ingredients change.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson looks at various fruits that at used as a topping on porridge. As the students learnt the word fruit in a previous topic they will now learn particular fruits that are frequently eaten in Britain.

Lesson 4


Another science experiment will be carried out in this lesson continuing to look at density, and how various objects pass through certain liquids and do not through others. The students will be asked with each object whether it will sink or float.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of art will teach the students about various body parts of a bee. Bees are seen as important animal partly because of the production of honey.

Lesson 2


The students will learn how to make a paper bee in this craft making lesson. This will reinforce the keywords learnt in the previous lesson.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Students will learn about a bear in this lesson, and what sound it makes along with the various body parts of this animal.

Lesson 4


The students will learn how to paint a bear in this lesson and whilst it is carried out the keywords from the previous lesson will be reinforced.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


Maths will begin by teaching the students about British monetary terms. Students will be asked what the cost is of certain items is whilst Goldilocks goes shopping.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce what was taught in the previous lesson in order to give the students another chance to understand how the British monetary system works.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Expanding upon the lower numerical terms the students have learnt, the students will learn the English words for the first five set of tens. This will link in with the British notes there are.

Lesson 4


This dialogue lesson will reinforce the tens the students were taught in the previous lesson. This will not only give the students a chance to test what they have learnt but reinforce what British notes look like.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of geography will teach the students about common types of housing they are likely to see around Britain.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the types of housing learnt in the previous lesson in order to help the students to learn it.

Lesson 3


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of this subject focuses on the moral of the topic story and teaches students about politeness and being caring.

Lesson 2


This lesson is a video lesson from the series Super Why which tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears whilst also teaching them more English words.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


The third lesson of PSHE expands upon the topic’s moral and begins to look at being clean and tidy, expanding upon the theme of respect.

Lesson 4


A further dialogue lesson will follow lesson three to help reinforce the importance of being clean and tidy.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1

第一節課將學習porridge. 這是主題故事中所提到的特色早餐。課程將展示如何製作porridge,以及兩種常用的配料。

The first lesson takes and look at porridge, a breakfast meal that features in the topic’s story. The lesson will show what goes into making this dish and two common toppings used with it.

Lesson 2

第二節課將向學生展示如何製作porridge, 同時探索這些材料的密度是如何發生變化。

The second lesson will be an experiment showing the students how to make porridge, whilst exploring how the density of the ingredients change.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson looks at various fruits that at used as a topping on porridge. As the students learnt the word fruit in a previous topic they will now learn particular fruits that are frequently eaten in Britain.

Lesson 4


Another science experiment will be carried out in this lesson continuing to look at density, and how various objects pass through certain liquids and do not through others. The students will be asked with each object whether it will sink or float.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of art will teach the students about various body parts of a bee. Bees are seen as important animal partly because of the production of honey.

Lesson 2


The students will learn how to make a paper bee in this craft making lesson. This will reinforce the keywords learnt in the previous lesson.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Students will learn about a bear in this lesson, and what sound it makes along with the various body parts of this animal.

Lesson 4


The students will learn how to paint a bear in this lesson and whilst it is carried out the keywords from the previous lesson will be reinforced.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


Maths will begin by teaching the students about British monetary terms. Students will be asked what the cost is of certain items is whilst Goldilocks goes shopping.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce what was taught in the previous lesson in order to give the students another chance to understand how the British monetary system works.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Expanding upon the lower numerical terms the students have learnt, the students will learn the English words for the first five set of tens. This will link in with the British notes there are.

Lesson 4


This dialogue lesson will reinforce the tens the students were taught in the previous lesson. This will not only give the students a chance to test what they have learnt but reinforce what British notes look like.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of geography will teach the students about common types of housing they are likely to see around Britain.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the types of housing learnt in the previous lesson in order to help the students to learn it.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson looks further at British housing and certain components of a house and the English terms for these.

Lesson 4


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the housing components taught in the previous lesson and the English terms for them.


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of this subject focuses on the moral of the topic story and teaches students about politeness and being caring.

Lesson 2


This lesson is a video lesson from the series Super Why which tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears whilst also teaching them more English words.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


The third lesson of PSHE expands upon the topic’s moral and begins to look at being clean and tidy, expanding upon the theme of respect.

Lesson 4


A further dialogue lesson will follow lesson three to help reinforce the importance of being clean and tidy.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1

第一節課將學習porridge. 這是主題故事中所提到的特色早餐。課程將展示如何製作porridge,以及兩種常用的配料。

The first lesson takes and look at porridge, a breakfast meal that features in the topic’s story. The lesson will show what goes into making this dish and two common toppings used with it.

Lesson 2

第二節課將向學生展示如何製作porridge, 同時探索這些材料的密度是如何發生變化。

The second lesson will be an experiment showing the students how to make porridge, whilst exploring how the density of the ingredients change.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson looks at various fruits that at used as a topping on porridge. As the students learnt the word fruit in a previous topic they will now learn particular fruits that are frequently eaten in Britain.

Lesson 4


Another science experiment will be carried out in this lesson continuing to look at density, and how various objects pass through certain liquids and do not through others. The students will be asked with each object whether it will sink or float.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of art will teach the students about various body parts of a bee. Bees are seen as important animal partly because of the production of honey.

Lesson 2


The students will learn how to make a paper bee in this craft making lesson. This will reinforce the keywords learnt in the previous lesson.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Students will learn about a bear in this lesson, and what sound it makes along with the various body parts of this animal.

Lesson 4


The students will learn how to paint a bear in this lesson and whilst it is carried out the keywords from the previous lesson will be reinforced.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


Maths will begin by teaching the students about British monetary terms. Students will be asked what the cost is of certain items is whilst Goldilocks goes shopping.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce what was taught in the previous lesson in order to give the students another chance to understand how the British monetary system works.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Expanding upon the lower numerical terms the students have learnt, the students will learn the English words for the first five set of tens. This will link in with the British notes there are.

Lesson 4


This dialogue lesson will reinforce the tens the students were taught in the previous lesson. This will not only give the students a chance to test what they have learnt but reinforce what British notes look like.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of geography will teach the students about common types of housing they are likely to see around Britain.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the types of housing learnt in the previous lesson in order to help the students to learn it.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson looks further at British housing and certain components of a house and the English terms for these.

Lesson 4


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the housing components taught in the previous lesson and the English terms for them.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1

歷史的第一課將教學生older and younger術語的含義,並觀察這些單詞的複數。

The first lesson of history will teach students what the terms older and younger mean and look at the plurals of these words.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will help reinforce the plural language taught in last lesson and give students another chance to test what they have learnt.

Lesson 3


Year 5

金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


《金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊》是英國家喻戶曉的童話故事,由英國著名詩人Robert Southey發表於19世紀。故事講述的是一個名叫Goldilocks的小姑娘誤入了一座空房子,並且吃掉了住在這裡的小熊一家的食物。當小熊一家人回到家之後,他們驚訝的發現早餐被吃掉了,還有一個小女孩睡在熊寶寶的床上。當Goldilocks醒來之後,她被小熊嚇壞了,然後趕緊逃離座房子。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known British fairy tale that was first published in the 19th century by English poet Robert Southey. The story follows a girl named Goldilocks who enters an empty home and decides to eat the food of the bears that live there. When the bears return they are horrified to see their breakfast has been eaten and a little girl (Goldilocks) asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. When Goldilocks awakes, she is so frightened by the bears that she runs away.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

如今這個故事已經被改編成歌劇和電影搬上熒屏,最近的一次改編是在2016年由迪士尼改編的動畫系列Goldie & Bear.它是對原故事情節的續寫,講述的是Goldilocks和Jack Bear一起去冒險,並在冒險途中結實了其他的小夥伴,這些小夥伴的原型都來自於“三隻小豬”和“小紅帽”的故事中。

There have been various adaptions of the story from an opera to a number of television films and shows. The most recent adaptation was in 2016 by Disney Junior with an animated series called Goldie & Bear. It set after the events of the original tale when Goldilocks and Jack Bear (Baby Bear) go on adventures with other fairy tale characters from The Three Little Pigs to Little Red Riding Hood.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Goldilocks是由Robert Southey於1837年創造出來的角色。

Goldilocks is a fictional character created by Robert Southey in 1837.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Baby Bear

Baby Bear是故事中的其中一隻熊。

Baby Bear is afictional character and is one of three bears in the story.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Mummy Bear

Mummy Bear是Baby Bear的媽媽。

Mummy Bear is the mother to Baby Bear.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Fairy tales are often a fable or a story that has a moral purpose. Goldilocks and the Three Bears shows how an individual’s action can hurt others, and that we should respect other people’s property and possessions. It is important to teach students about respecting people and their property, and even if someone lets us use something of theirs that we look after it and give it back to them in the condition they gave it to us.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Beginning with English, this subject will introduce the students to the characters and the story.


The following subject will be performing arts, where the students will learn two dances that will reoccur throughout the topic.


PSHE is the third subject, which will look at the story’s moral and teach the students about politeness and tidiness.


Science is the next subject which will look at porridge, a well-known British breakfast food that is central to the story. Further ingredients will also be learnt, and two experiments will be conducted.


The fifth subject is arts and crafts and following on from learning about honey students will learn about bees and bears, whilst also making artistic creations of these animals.


Maths follows Goldilocks going shopping and teaches students about British money.


Geography looks at types of British housing and certain components that are a part of them.


The final subject is history. Here, students will learn about different breeds of bears, and which is the oldest and which is the youngest breed.


Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Whilst the main benefit is to improve the student’s English vocabulary with words they will frequently use and hear, there is lots to be learnt within the context of many subjects from this topic. For example, whilst learning the word polite in PSHE my intention is that the students learn that being polite is important and not the word solely.


There are also areas that will support the students whilst living in Britain, should they ever decide to reside here. Maths will give them an understanding of British money and geography will teach the students about British housing, so they might be able to communicate their needs and wants if they buy a home in Britain. Subjects like science, art, and history will extend vocabulary beyond the central element so the students can learn more about these areas.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


English opens the topic, teaching the students about the characters within the story. Their names will be used frequently throughout the topic in sentences in order to help learn more English vocabulary.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the characters taught in the previous lesson through a series of questions and answers.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson will look at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and teach the students commonly used English words relating to the fairy tale.

Lesson 4


The final lesson of English is another dialogue lesson that will reinforce the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of performing arts will focus on the name of the moves within the Goldilocks dance.

Lesson 2


The students will learn the first dance in this lesson to the Goldilocks song. The key words learnt in the previous will also be reinforced along with the moves.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

本次課中,我們將學習Gummy Bear 舞蹈的相關動作,學生將會學習這些動作的名字。

The movements to the Gummy Bear dance that has been shown at the start of the topic will be taught in this lesson. Students will learn what the names of these particular moves are called.

Lesson 4

本次課上會教授學生Gummy Bear舞蹈。通過本次課的學習,學生將很好的掌握舞蹈動作,並且能隨時跟著視頻一起跳。

The Gummy Bear dance will be taught in this lesson. This will enable the students to dance along with the video of the dance whenever it is shown.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of this subject focuses on the moral of the topic story and teaches students about politeness and being caring.

Lesson 2


This lesson is a video lesson from the series Super Why which tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears whilst also teaching them more English words.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


The third lesson of PSHE expands upon the topic’s moral and begins to look at being clean and tidy, expanding upon the theme of respect.

Lesson 4


A further dialogue lesson will follow lesson three to help reinforce the importance of being clean and tidy.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1

第一節課將學習porridge. 這是主題故事中所提到的特色早餐。課程將展示如何製作porridge,以及兩種常用的配料。

The first lesson takes and look at porridge, a breakfast meal that features in the topic’s story. The lesson will show what goes into making this dish and two common toppings used with it.

Lesson 2

第二節課將向學生展示如何製作porridge, 同時探索這些材料的密度是如何發生變化。

The second lesson will be an experiment showing the students how to make porridge, whilst exploring how the density of the ingredients change.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson looks at various fruits that at used as a topping on porridge. As the students learnt the word fruit in a previous topic they will now learn particular fruits that are frequently eaten in Britain.

Lesson 4


Another science experiment will be carried out in this lesson continuing to look at density, and how various objects pass through certain liquids and do not through others. The students will be asked with each object whether it will sink or float.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of art will teach the students about various body parts of a bee. Bees are seen as important animal partly because of the production of honey.

Lesson 2


The students will learn how to make a paper bee in this craft making lesson. This will reinforce the keywords learnt in the previous lesson.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Students will learn about a bear in this lesson, and what sound it makes along with the various body parts of this animal.

Lesson 4


The students will learn how to paint a bear in this lesson and whilst it is carried out the keywords from the previous lesson will be reinforced.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


Maths will begin by teaching the students about British monetary terms. Students will be asked what the cost is of certain items is whilst Goldilocks goes shopping.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce what was taught in the previous lesson in order to give the students another chance to understand how the British monetary system works.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Expanding upon the lower numerical terms the students have learnt, the students will learn the English words for the first five set of tens. This will link in with the British notes there are.

Lesson 4


This dialogue lesson will reinforce the tens the students were taught in the previous lesson. This will not only give the students a chance to test what they have learnt but reinforce what British notes look like.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1


The first lesson of geography will teach the students about common types of housing they are likely to see around Britain.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the types of housing learnt in the previous lesson in order to help the students to learn it.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


This lesson looks further at British housing and certain components of a house and the English terms for these.

Lesson 4


The dialogue lesson will reinforce the housing components taught in the previous lesson and the English terms for them.

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界

Lesson 1

歷史的第一課將教學生older and younger術語的含義,並觀察這些單詞的複數。

The first lesson of history will teach students what the terms older and younger mean and look at the plurals of these words.

Lesson 2


The dialogue lesson will help reinforce the plural language taught in last lesson and give students another chance to test what they have learnt.

Lesson 3

Topic5 Year5 | 歡迎進入金髮歌蒂和三隻小熊的童話世界


Using what has been learnt in the first two lessons of history, students will learn about different breeds of bear, and how old and young they are.

Lesson 4


This dialogue lesson will not only reinforce the breeds of bear taught in the previous lesson but give students another chance to test the knowledge of the concept of older and younger.









