溫州“海外甌越文化傳承基地”增至7個 遍佈三大洲6國家

歐洲 藝術 美國 大學 浪潮新聞 浪潮新聞 2017-08-27

中國網浪潮資訊 近日,意大利佛羅倫薩中文學校、意大利中意學校兩個學校同時授牌設立溫州“海外甌越文化傳承基地”,成為甌越文化在意大利傳播的新平臺。至此,溫州市“海外甌越文化傳承基地”總數達到7個,遍佈北美洲、南美洲以及歐洲三大洲的6個國家。

Recently,Chinese school in Florence,Italy and China-Italy school in Italy, the two schools set up a"overseas Ouyue culture heritage base" by awarding at the same time,it became the new platform to spread Ouyue culture in Italy. At this point, the total number of "overseas ou yue cultural heritage base" of Wenzhou has reached 7, which is in 6 countries in North America, South America and Europe.

溫州“海外甌越文化傳承基地”增至7個 遍佈三大洲6國家


Pan shili, President of the Chinese school in Florence, Italy, told reporters that the school plans to invite some university teachers to Italy to give a lecture to introduce the Ouyue culture and the development and history of Wenzhou for local students, whose native place is Wenzhou, after the establishment of the brand.

溫州“海外甌越文化傳承基地”增至7個 遍佈三大洲6國家


Wenzhou's first "overseas Ouyue culture heritage base" was established by Chinese Commercial Daily of American in February 2016. Then in less than a year and a half, the base is also located at the Huasheng art college in Brazilian, Chinese school in Utrecht, Holland, Shumin Language and Culture Center in Portugal and the Nordic Association for international exchange in Swedish respectively, with the two Italy Chinese school, just recently listed, now the base number has increased to 7.

(中國網記者 胡金 綜合報道 翻譯:鮑夢依)

