
儺戲 旅遊 多彩貴州網 2017-05-31

廣西有冬天嗎?它是怎樣的?正吹著空調的你不要質疑,廣西不但有冬天,且雪景還很美很美!“Winter exists in Guangxi for sure, and the scenery of snow is very beautiful.”。日前,在中央電視臺剛剛揭曉的“最美品冬地”中,河池環江毛南族自治縣成為廣西唯一入選的品冬地,入選的理由是美麗的喀斯特地貌、神祕的毛南族文化。冬天也青蔥,冬天更迷人。

美麗的喀斯特地貌 Beautiful Karst Landform


環江喀斯特地貌的保護狀況良好。“The protection of Karst landform in Huanjiang is good.”。環江完整地保留了從高原到低地逐漸過渡的錐狀喀斯特體系(a cone-shaped Karst system),反映了錐狀喀斯特發育和氣候環境變化的全過程(the whole process of the development and the changes of climate and environment),植被覆蓋率高(high vegetation coverage),生態系統結構和功能完整(complete structure and function of ecosystem),生物多樣性(bio-diversity),為研究錐狀喀斯特生態系統的結構和功能提供了一個理想的天然實驗室。“It provides an ideal natural laboratory for researching the structure and the function of the cone-shaped Karst ecosystem.”。山峰排列均勻、錯落有致,且綿延不絕,國外學者常以“雞蛋盒”來形容環江喀斯特獨特的整齊以及雄偉之美。

神祕的毛南族文化 Mysterious Culture Of Maonan Nationality

毛南族分龍節是毛南族最古老、最盛大、最重要的節日。“Fenlong Festival is the oldest, the most magnificent and the most important festival of Maonan nationality.”。分龍節期間,毛南族的男女老少都穿上民族盛裝慶祝,而年輕媳婦則回孃家與父母團聚。“During the festival, everyone wears the best national costumes to celebrate. The young wives go back to their own parents and get together with them.”。

融歌、舞、戲、面具為一體的“儺戲”是毛南族極具特色的民族文化。“Nuo Xi is a sort of characteristic culture of Maonan nationality which is combined with singing, dancing, opera and masks.”。“儺戲”是毛南族的祭祀儀式,像古希臘的酒神狂歡,又像印第安人的原始祭祀。“It is a kind of sacrifice ceremony.”。“儺戲”是從原始巫術蛻變出來的古老戲種,在毛南山鄉重重深山裡成為戲劇“活化石”。“It is an ancient opera which comes from the original witchcraft.”。

廣西最美品冬地 The Most Beautiful Place of Winter in Guangxi


本報記者 葉禎/文 黃倩華/翻譯

