'雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.'

旅行 喵喵嗚貓 2019-07-15

雙語美文| Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.


雙語美文| Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

雙語美文 英漢對照讀美文,感悟語言的藝術

Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.


They are your allies.


The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing.


In fact, many times this pursuit of stability drives us to improve ourselves and solve problems.


But if you cannot stand any uncertainty at all, then the result will be exactly the opposite.


雙語美文| Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

雙語美文 英漢對照讀美文,感悟語言的藝術

Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.


They are your allies.


The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing.


In fact, many times this pursuit of stability drives us to improve ourselves and solve problems.


But if you cannot stand any uncertainty at all, then the result will be exactly the opposite.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

No matter how stable the working environment is, there always exists uncertainty, which is especially evident in the Internet era.


A company’s personnel may change, new products may fail, and new leaders may change the direction of the strategic development.


Real opportunities only appear in uncertain areas, and that is what makes them opportunities.


If an opportunity is already certain when it appears, and everyone can see it and know how to get it, then it is no longer an opportunity.


A person who can only work in a completely safe field can be easily replaced. A person who can handle more uncertainties is the one who will seize more opportunities.


雙語美文| Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

雙語美文 英漢對照讀美文,感悟語言的藝術

Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.


They are your allies.


The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing.


In fact, many times this pursuit of stability drives us to improve ourselves and solve problems.


But if you cannot stand any uncertainty at all, then the result will be exactly the opposite.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

No matter how stable the working environment is, there always exists uncertainty, which is especially evident in the Internet era.


A company’s personnel may change, new products may fail, and new leaders may change the direction of the strategic development.


Real opportunities only appear in uncertain areas, and that is what makes them opportunities.


If an opportunity is already certain when it appears, and everyone can see it and know how to get it, then it is no longer an opportunity.


A person who can only work in a completely safe field can be easily replaced. A person who can handle more uncertainties is the one who will seize more opportunities.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

Missed flights, cancelled rides and changed planes make solo travelers incredibly resilient. After grappling through the ups and downs of a solo trip, you're capable of bouncing back from pretty much anything life throws your way.


Solo adventure taught me a ton about relationships and human connection. Solo traveling pushed me out of my comfort zone.


Yes, safety is a concern in certain locations, and it's often pleasant to have someone to share the scenery with. But never underestimate the glory of traveling solo, because you'll learn things you can't learn any other way.


雙語美文| Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

雙語美文 英漢對照讀美文,感悟語言的藝術

Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.


They are your allies.


The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing.


In fact, many times this pursuit of stability drives us to improve ourselves and solve problems.


But if you cannot stand any uncertainty at all, then the result will be exactly the opposite.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

No matter how stable the working environment is, there always exists uncertainty, which is especially evident in the Internet era.


A company’s personnel may change, new products may fail, and new leaders may change the direction of the strategic development.


Real opportunities only appear in uncertain areas, and that is what makes them opportunities.


If an opportunity is already certain when it appears, and everyone can see it and know how to get it, then it is no longer an opportunity.


A person who can only work in a completely safe field can be easily replaced. A person who can handle more uncertainties is the one who will seize more opportunities.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

Missed flights, cancelled rides and changed planes make solo travelers incredibly resilient. After grappling through the ups and downs of a solo trip, you're capable of bouncing back from pretty much anything life throws your way.


Solo adventure taught me a ton about relationships and human connection. Solo traveling pushed me out of my comfort zone.


Yes, safety is a concern in certain locations, and it's often pleasant to have someone to share the scenery with. But never underestimate the glory of traveling solo, because you'll learn things you can't learn any other way.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

If you have the heart of an explorer, traveling alone is an excellent way to see the world on your own terms. But it can also be scary, self-reliance was at the core of your being.

但如果你內心是個探險家,那麼一個人獨自旅行是看這個世界絕佳的方法。 獨自一人也可能很駭人,依靠自己是你存在的核心。

As we 'grow up' it becomes impractical to up-and-leave. Valid reasons like job security, relationships and making rent replace our once happy-to-rough-it-for-months mentality.


As a solo traveler, you are more open, more willing to make friends, and share experiences with others along the way, and this reveals itself in your actions and your face.


The ironic thing about traveling solo is that you're rarely ever actually alone. There's always an open seat next to you, whether you're on a plane, train, or bus, and sometimes that can lead to unwanted adventures.


雙語美文| Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

雙語美文 英漢對照讀美文,感悟語言的藝術

Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.


They are your allies.


The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing.


In fact, many times this pursuit of stability drives us to improve ourselves and solve problems.


But if you cannot stand any uncertainty at all, then the result will be exactly the opposite.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

No matter how stable the working environment is, there always exists uncertainty, which is especially evident in the Internet era.


A company’s personnel may change, new products may fail, and new leaders may change the direction of the strategic development.


Real opportunities only appear in uncertain areas, and that is what makes them opportunities.


If an opportunity is already certain when it appears, and everyone can see it and know how to get it, then it is no longer an opportunity.


A person who can only work in a completely safe field can be easily replaced. A person who can handle more uncertainties is the one who will seize more opportunities.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

Missed flights, cancelled rides and changed planes make solo travelers incredibly resilient. After grappling through the ups and downs of a solo trip, you're capable of bouncing back from pretty much anything life throws your way.


Solo adventure taught me a ton about relationships and human connection. Solo traveling pushed me out of my comfort zone.


Yes, safety is a concern in certain locations, and it's often pleasant to have someone to share the scenery with. But never underestimate the glory of traveling solo, because you'll learn things you can't learn any other way.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.

If you have the heart of an explorer, traveling alone is an excellent way to see the world on your own terms. But it can also be scary, self-reliance was at the core of your being.

但如果你內心是個探險家,那麼一個人獨自旅行是看這個世界絕佳的方法。 獨自一人也可能很駭人,依靠自己是你存在的核心。

As we 'grow up' it becomes impractical to up-and-leave. Valid reasons like job security, relationships and making rent replace our once happy-to-rough-it-for-months mentality.


As a solo traveler, you are more open, more willing to make friends, and share experiences with others along the way, and this reveals itself in your actions and your face.


The ironic thing about traveling solo is that you're rarely ever actually alone. There's always an open seat next to you, whether you're on a plane, train, or bus, and sometimes that can lead to unwanted adventures.

雙語美文|Don't be afraid of change and uncertainty.


