春光乍洩百度雲 春光乍洩國語版高清

黎耀輝 張國榮 百度雲 王家衛 電影解密師 2017-05-24

來源: Happy Together 時間: 2017-05-04 22:12 評論

Yiu-Fai and Po-Wing arrive in Argentina from Hong Kong and take to the road for a holiday. Something is wrong and their relationship goes adrift.

Yiu Fai和寶榮到阿根廷從香港帶到路度假。有些事情是錯的,他們的關係。

春光乍洩百度雲 春光乍洩國語版高清

導演: 王家衛

編劇: 王家衛

主演: 張國榮 / 梁朝偉 / 張震

類型: 劇情 / 愛情 / 同性

製片國家/地區: 香港 / 日本 / 韓國

語言: 粵語 / 漢語普通話 / 西班牙語

上映日期: 1997-05-30

片長: 96分鐘

又名: 一起快樂 / Happy Together

Aw-kommon's notes on "Happy Together" are typical of those who cannot approach a film without aligning it with definite paradigms and secure standards. In this case, the paradigm is "Midnight Cowboy" -- a film that belongs to a totally different genre, was written and shot according to "naturalistic" procedures of Hollywood commercial cinema and, most of all, deals with romance from a quite different perspective. In "Midnight Cowboy" redemption of homoeroticism comes through death, a strategy that was quite revealing of the morals that prevailed at the time the movie was produced. "Happy Together", on the other hand, deals with romance as if it could have been homo-, hetero- or whatever, and even though homoeroticism is such an essential element to the narrative, the protagonists'love affair is a pretext for the emergence of their decentered identities, their search for love and friendship and, most important, it ends on a note of hope of future encounters. All that in a poetic tone, one that demands a continuous esthetic reconstruction, hardly understood (or accepted) by those who are encapsulated in a world of conventional filmmaking.

春光乍洩百度雲 春光乍洩國語版高清


黎耀輝(梁朝偉)與何寶榮(張國榮)是一對同性戀人,為了有新的開始,他們懷著美麗的夢想(去看南美洲大瀑布)離開香港來到阿根廷,卻在布宜諾斯艾利斯迷了路。黎耀輝想安下心來過日子,無奈何寶榮於夜夜笙歌中放縱著自己的生命,以期找尋更多的刺激,只當黎耀輝是他受傷後的港灣,兩人分歧 、爭吵越來越多,心的距離越來越遠。


