
浪潮新聞 浪潮新聞 2017-09-28

中國網浪潮資訊 近日,杭州亞運會組委會代表團對競賽項目設置、場館安排方案、亞運整體籌辦工作和進程等問題進行了解答。亞奧理事會充分肯定了各項籌辦工作和進度。

Recently, the delegation of the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee has answered the questions about the setting up of the competition items, the plan for the venue arrangement, the overall preparations for the Asian Games and the progress of the games. The Council affirmed the organizing work and schedule.



At present, Hangzhou is arranging based on the functional of "three villages (athletes village, media village, Technical Officer Village) together", and actively promote the planning and construction work in Asian Sports Village, and to accelerate the surrounding infrastructure and public service supporting construction.


Besides the establishment of Asian Sports Village in Hangzhou, the Asian Games Village will be set up in the relevant cities and divisions.



The Hangzhou Asian Games are set up in 34 major events, including 27 Olympic events, and 7 non Olympic events including chess and dragon boat.

(中國網綜合 翻譯 宓文文)