「小研學堂」16 天記住 7000 考研單詞(第八天晚上)

考研 霹靂舞 Scheme 教育 考研學子地帶 考研學子地帶 2017-10-30


「小研學堂」16 天記住 7000 考研單詞(第八天晚上)

391.At the agency, the aged agent is urgently urged to go for surgery by the gentle surgeon. 在辦事處,溫和的外科醫生急切地催促年老的代理商做外科手術。

392.If you carry the cabinet of cabbage garbage to the garage, you'll get an average wage. 如果你把這櫥櫃包菜垃圾扛進了汽車庫,你將獲得一份平均工資.

393.The villagers in rage caused a tragedy on the cage-like stage. 狂怒的村民在籠子形的舞臺上製造了一場悲劇.

394.It is imaginable that breaking the engagement will damage his image. 可以想象,違反婚約將損害他的形象。

395.The extra theme of the supreme scheme is an extreme secret. 至高無上的計劃的額外主題是個極端機密.

「小研學堂」16 天記住 7000 考研單詞(第八天晚上)

396.No extraordinary disorder happens on the orderly border. 在有序的邊界上沒有發生不尋常的混亂.

397.The wordy lord left his sword on the world. 多話的君主把他的劍留在了世界上.

398.According to the record, the cord was the oldest recorder the people could afford. 據記載,繩子是人們用得起的最古老的記錄器.

399.Moreover, the new government overlooked the governor over the oven. 而且,新政府忽視了爐子上方的州長.

400.In the discussion I discovered that the lost cover was recovered. 在討論中我發現蓋子失而復得

「小研學堂」16 天記住 7000 考研單詞(第八天晚上)

