本期精品藏品展示:中華民國開國紀念幣 六星

紀念幣 投資 錢幣 清朝 中華古玩收藏 2017-05-19

中華民國開國紀念幣 六星

規格:直徑:3.75cm 重量:27g

本期精品藏品展示:中華民國開國紀念幣 六星



拼 音:zhonghuaminguokaiguojinianyingbi

英 文:China's founding commemorative coin " six stars"

1911年12月29日,經辛亥革命後,已光復的17省代表在南京推選中山為中華民國臨時大總統。1912年1月3日,中華民國政府宣告成立,清朝滅亡,在中國持續2000 多年的封建君主專制隨之結束。開國紀念幣是民國時期流通的主要貨幣之一。是第一枚將大總統頭像替換皇家龍圖的國幣,這意味著宣告清王朝統治的結束,中國從此進入共和制的新紀年。






In December 29, 1911, after the revolution of 1911, the 17 provinces of Zhongshan were elected as the provisional president of the Republic of China in Nanjing. In January 3, 1912, the government of the Republic of China was proclaimed, and the Qing Dynasty was destroyed, and the feudal monarchy, which lasted for more than 2000 years, ended. The founding coins were one of the major currencies in the period of the Republic of china. It was the first national coin to replace the Royal Dragon picture with the president's image, which means the end of the reign of Qing Dynasty, and China has entered the new era of the republic.

Silver precious material, high artistic value, the precious metal or silver alloy casting, produced exquisite, elegant designs, text handsome, rich, bright silver, pleasant appearance, but also has a certain value and appreciation function. With the collection of investment hot rising, silver coins in the booming market, the future may be of great Chinese dollar investment in the field of a dark horse ".

"The founding of the Republic of China commemorative coins" pattern also contains a lot of meaning, according to Li Boqi "Chinese coin test" manuscript recounts: "about five petal each one, the meaning of the five power constitution, after this flower. Back, middle one round of two words, with each one each in Jiahe, Yisui three, three principles of the people also." Among them, five power refers to the legislative, judicial and administrative power, impeachment and examination authority, the three people's principles refers to nationalism, feminism and the people's livelihood.

For the silver collection thermotaxis industry said in surprise. The silver dollar as the main currency had reflected the political, financial and cultural background, historical value. Furthermore the sale of silver are real investment transactions more flexible has the advantages of small investment risk, the value of stability, and the Department of rare and precious metal silver production quantity less than copper, iron coins, paper money etc.. A limited number of surviving natural will become more and more popular.

This item was positive pattern for the middle is Mr. Zhongshan casual wear relief profile, covering two rare and obvious patina. On both sides of the edge in Chinese engrave on the script of "Republic of China" four words, "juan founding coin" five words, engraved with branch Meihua; central Jiahe is the two line pattern on the back off to write one million words on both sides, with plum blossom star. On the back of the central Chinese script "one circle", English edge "Republic of China", "one yuan", about the breakdown of the six point star. Straight edge teeth, fineness 96% to 96.9%, heavy 27g, commonly known as "sun small head."". This silver coin size standard, circulation traces of nature, the quality of the goods, higher appreciation of space.

The "Founding of the Republic of China commemorative coins" six star silver deposit amount is one of the most rare, is very rare. Because the collection intact, the color of natural patina is obvious, whether it is text or pattern, is natural and delicate, suitable depth. In the soft light, silver exudes a touch of silver; Zhongshan head is more true to life, exudes a king's style and historical atmosphere precipitation. Now the "Founding commemorative coins six star" flow of rare, precious rare today, a few pieces of value is really indescribable.

