Wild Foshan 佛山好嘢 | 快來,親子文化之旅發車了!A cultural family trip in Foshan

教育 佛山新聞網 佛山新聞網 2017-08-06
Wild Foshan 佛山好嘢 | 快來,親子文化之旅發車了!A cultural family trip in Foshan

Keyword: family trip



This summer holiday has been on for almost one month. Have your kids finished doing the holiday homework? :D


Recently, there was a hot article that a parent with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan still could not afford the expenditure for a kid during the summer holiday. Have you ever read it? It mentions that, a kid needs to go to cram school, summer camp and tour, which really costs lots of money.


Well, actually in Foshan, it’s easy to give kids a meaningful summer holiday with least money. You don't believe it? Then, let’s see the truth!

佛山市圖書館新館 the New Foshan Library


Modern design, various collections of books, various interesting activities......the new Foshan Library which is located in Foshan New City is supposed to be a must-go place for kids to enjoy the summer holiday with books.

Wild Foshan 佛山好嘢 | 快來,親子文化之旅發車了!A cultural family trip in Foshan


Foshan Library has ten floors, including seven floors, one underground floor and two interlayers, which is the largest-scale library in nationwide prefecture-level cities. There are more than 2,500 reading seats inside with about 3 million books. The new Foshan Library was open to public on December 6, 2014.

Wild Foshan 佛山好嘢 | 快來,親子文化之旅發車了!A cultural family trip in Foshan

Movie Hall

Wild Foshan 佛山好嘢 | 快來,親子文化之旅發車了!A cultural family trip in Foshan

Music Hall


In March this year, the Music Hall and Movie Hall were also officially open to public. In this summer, kids can not only explore the knowledge world here, but also enjoy wonderful music and classic movies.


There are lots of various activities held in Foshan Library in this summer holiday, including open classes, lectures and kids’ events. It is believed that both young kids and teenagers will love to come here and enjoy the strong cultural atmosphere.




Hours: 9:00-17:00, Tuesday to Sunday, closed on Monday

Location: No.11, Hua Kang Road, Foshan New City

Ticket: Free

佛山市祖廟博物館 Foshan Ancestral Temple Museum


Foshan Ancestral Temple Museum is located in the famous Ancestral Temple scenic zone. Foshan Ancestral Temple Museum is a folk museum with Ming and Qing Dynasty ancient architecture arts and Foshan traditional culture. It covers Ancestral Temple ancient architecture, the Confucius Temple, Wong Fei-hong Memorial Hall and theIp Man Tong. And the Ancestral Temple was originally built in North Song Dynasty (1078-1085), which is a key cultural relic unit under the state protection. The Confucius Temple was built in Qing Dynasty (1911), which is a key cultural relic unit under the city protection.

Wild Foshan 佛山好嘢 | 快來,親子文化之旅發車了!A cultural family trip in Foshan


The collection displayed in the museum mainly includes Taoism relics and Foshan local folk relics. The basic collection fully expresses Taoism culture, Kung Fu culture and Foshan folk artsand other folk culture.


Kids usually know Foshan Kung Fu masters such as Wong Fei-hong and Ip Man from TV or movies. But their real images must be different from images of TV and movies, to some extent. So why not bring your kids to the Wong Fei-hong Hall and Ip Man Tong in Foshan Ancestral Temple Museum to deeply know more about the lifetime of these two Kung Fu masters whose hometown is Foshan?

開放時間:星期一至星期日 8:30-18:00



Hours: 8:30-18:00, Monday to Sunday

Address: No. 21, Zumiao Road, Chancheng District, Foshan

Ticket: 20 yuan per person (Students with student cards can enjoy half-price discount.)

佛山市科學館 Foshan Science Museum


Foshan Science Museum was freely open to public in last summer holiday. You can explore the galaxy, watch electronic lion dancing, play shadow show and enjoy 4D movies here in Foshan Science Museum! There are four main exhibition halls and three main cinemas, where you and your children can spend one whole day.

Wild Foshan 佛山好嘢 | 快來,親子文化之旅發車了!A cultural family trip in Foshan



Four main exhibition halls include Life Mystery Hall, Children’s Hall, Science and Technology Hall and Exploration and Discovery Hall, while three cinemas include Dynamic Cinema, 3D Cinema and Dome Cinema (not open yet).

Wild Foshan 佛山好嘢 | 快來,親子文化之旅發車了!A cultural family trip in Foshan


Foshan Science Museum is free for the public, but it limits the number of daily visitors, 2000 each in the morning and in the afternoon, totally 4000 visitors each day. Visitors can get the tickets with their ID cards, one card for one ticket. What needs to be noticed is that the ticket is only valid for half-day. The number of movie tickets is also daily limited with the principle of “first come, first served”.


People used to be worried about the crowds in the summer holiday. But it is fine to make reservation to visit Foshan Science Museum via its official WeChat account. If interested, please follow its official WeChat account.




Hours: Wednesday to Sunday, 9:30-12:00,14:00-16:30 (closed on Monday and Tuesday)

Address: No. 3, Hua Kang Road, Foshan New City

Ticket: Free

佛山市青少年文化宮 Foshan’s Youth’s Culture Palace


The new Foshan Youth’s Culture Palace is a modern building with distinctive Lingnan culture features that is located in Foshan New City culture center, which is the most functional comprehensive teenagers’ technology and arts innovation education base with largest scale and well-equipped service.

Wild Foshan 佛山好嘢 | 快來,親子文化之旅發車了!A cultural family trip in Foshan


There are more than 100 activity rooms in the palace, and each room is equipped with the most advanced multi-media teaching equipment. It is believed that children can have a wonderful summer holiday here!

Wild Foshan 佛山好嘢 | 快來,親子文化之旅發車了!A cultural family trip in Foshan


In this summer holiday, Foshan’s Youth’s Culture Palace has organized lots of family activities. For instance, 30 families took part in an event held by the palace in Nanhai Wetland Park. Currently, the enrollment of summer holiday classes by the palace is still on. If interested, please follow the official WeChat account of Foshan’s Youth’s Culture Palace.




Hours: 8:30-17:30, Monday to Friday

Address:No. 1, Xin Le Road, Foshan New City

Ticket: Free for entry, but please enquire the palace for the fee of activities and classes.

看完小編的整理,是不是由衷地認為想讓孩子在佛山度過一個有意義且花費少的暑假真心不難?那就心動不如行動,帶上孩子趕緊來一場說走就走的佛山文化family trip吧!

After seeing the introduction above, you also find it easy to give kids a meaningful summer holiday with least money in Foshan, right? The shortest answer is doing! Go and bring your kids to enjoy a cultural family trip in Foshan!

Wild Foshan 佛山好嘢 | 快來,親子文化之旅發車了!A cultural family trip in Foshan

文字:佛山新聞網 Clair


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