大家好!我是切爾西球員阿茲皮利奎塔,你們可以叫我Dave!很高興來到頭條與大家一起交流!雖然新賽季我們的開局並不能讓自己滿意,但我們戰鬥到了最後一刻!也非常感謝球迷朋友在這個艱難時刻依然給我們堅定的支持!我們一定會有更出色的表現!Hello, friends! We are not happy at all with the result,it was not the start we all wanted but I am proud of the reaction of the team. We fought against all the circumstances until the final whistle. Thanks to all the fans for your great support during this difficult moment. Time to work and come back stronger💙

切爾西后衛 西班牙國家隊球員 2017-08-27
大家好!我是切爾西球員阿茲皮利奎塔,你們可以叫我Dave!很高興來到頭條與大家一起交流!雖然新賽季我們的開局並不能讓自己滿意,但我們戰鬥到了最後一刻!也非常感謝球迷朋友在這個艱難時刻依然給我們堅定的支持!我們一定會有更出色的表現!Hello, friends! We are not happy at all with the result,it was not the start we all wanted but I am proud of the reaction of the team. We fought against all the circumstances until the final whistle. Thanks to all the fans for your great support during this difficult moment. Time to work and come back stronger💙
大家好!我是切爾西球員阿茲皮利奎塔,你們可以叫我Dave!很高興來到頭條與大家一起交流!雖然新賽季我們的開局並不能讓自己滿意,但我們戰鬥到了最後一刻!也非常感謝球迷朋友在這個艱難時刻依然給我們堅定的支持!我們一定會有更出色的表現!Hello, friends! We are not happy at all with the result,it was not the start we all wanted but I am proud of the reaction of the team. We fought against all the circumstances until the final whistle. Thanks to all the fans for your great support during this difficult moment. Time to work and come back stronger💙