點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社

ViViD 建築 平面設計 財經 蘭韻空間 2017-05-07

GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店位於銀泰中心,是該連鎖品牌在西南地區開設的首家門店,專注於提供高品質的精品咖啡。在本項目的設計中,繪造社尋求從色彩、氛圍、空間上,對 GREYBOX COFFEE 的品牌理念和精品咖啡的精神予以呼應。

Taking a space on the ground floor of Chengdu Yintai Center, GREYBOX COFFEE Chengdu is the chain brand’s first store in the south-west China and specializes in premium specialty coffee. In the design for GREYBOX COFFEE Chengdu, Drawing Architecture Studio (DAS) seeks responses to the brand’s philosophy and spirit of specialty coffee from the study of atmosphere, color, and space.

▼ 咖啡店中的多功能座位區,Multifunctional seating area

點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社

▼ 由室外廣場進入店內的入口,Entrance from outdoor plaza

點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社


Lit-up Café

精品咖啡強調的是新鮮、原味、精緻、沒有雜質。與此相呼應的,繪造社認為製作和品味精品咖啡的空間也應該是明亮的、清醒的、技術的、極簡的。不同於很多咖啡館的昏暗、懷舊、小清新 Zakka 風格,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店的整個空間燈火通明,意在讓人一進入,就置身於光明中,可以清晰地欣賞關於精品咖啡的一切。這裡不僅是可以休閒小憩的空間,更是咖啡愛好者們的感官實驗場。

Specialty coffee emphasizes on being fresh, original, delicate, and free of impurities. As a response, DAS considered the space where the coffee is brewed and tasted shall also be bright, sober, technical, and minimal. Unlike popular styles for coffee shops featured with darkness, nostalgia, and Zakka aesthetics, GREYBOX COFFEE Chengdu is all lit up in order to place the guests in a charming brightness so they can clearly observe everything about specialty coffee. It is not only a space for rest and chat, but also an experimental laboratory for coffee aficionados.

▼ 室內商業街入口,Entrance from indoor shopping street

點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社

▼ 由店內看向出口,Indoor view of the entry corridor

點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社

▼ 產品展示區,Product display counter

點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社

▼ 室內外通透的關係,The indoor and outdoor space is connected by the transparent visual experience

點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社

Vivid Grey

畫畫調色的經驗提供了兩種理解灰色的方式:灰色可以用簡單的白加黑調出,也可以是五顏六色的混合,後者調出的灰色更生動。GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店以鍍鋅鋼板作為空間的主材料,演繹了生動的灰色。鍍鋅鋼板可以朦朧地反射周邊的環境,因此隨著光線、視角、人流的變化,鋼板表面會呈現不同的色彩。

The experience of painting tells two ways to create the color of grey. One is by combining black and white; the other is by mixing various colors. The grey created by the latter is generally more lively. Used as the key material for GREYBOX COFFEE Chengdu, galvanised steel sheet works as a perfect medium to interpret a vivid grey. The sheet will have a dim reflection on the surrounding environment, so various colors will be seen on the sheet as the lights, viewpoints, and movements of people change.

▼ 大吧檯與座位區,Serving bar counter and seating area

點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社

人在空間中移動,可以感受到這些顏色變化,但總體上它又呈現出一種冷灰的基調。灰色可以是任何顏色,它其實是最複雜的顏色,越複雜越生動。在 GREYBOX COFFEE 中,灰色不是黑加白,灰色是五顏六色的匯合。

When people walk around in the space, they can notice the color changes over the surface of the sheet, while in general they still see a tonality of cold grey. The color of grey could be any color, which makes it actually the most complicated color. The more complicated, the more vivid. At GREYBOX COFFEE, grey is not the combination of black and white, but rather a colorful mixture.

▼ 生動的的灰度變化,the various shades of grey enlighted the interior space

點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社

Stage and Stand

製作精品咖啡的過程極具儀式感和觀賞性,因此繪造社以“舞臺與看臺”作為 GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店空間佈局的概念。整個咖啡館被分為內外兩個弧形空間。內弧是舞臺,被鍍鋅鋼板包裹的壓低吊頂和吧檯貫穿整個長條空間,壓縮出一個連續通透的“舞臺”,在吧檯後深灰色牆面的襯托下,專業精緻的器皿、咖啡師的嫻熟手法、咖啡的形態轉化,一起上演著精彩的演出。這裡的空間尺度只屬於上半身。外弧保留了4米通高,利用原有的立柱做成金屬盒子,作為展櫃、通道、入口,形成空間的序列和節奏,並分割出或大或小的座位區域,為前來享用精品咖啡的顧客提供了靈活的體驗空間。

The process of making specialty coffee is quite spectacular and full of ritual, which inspired DAS with a concept of “stage and stand” for the space design of GREYBOX COFFEE Chengdu. The café is divided into two curved spaces, inner and outer. The inner curve is the stage, shaped by lowered ceilings and bar counters covered with galvanised steel sheets running lengthwise throughout the space. Against the dark grey wall behind the bar counter, exquisite professional tools, skillful maneuver of the baristas, and transformation of coffee from beans to brew, have all become an exciting performance on this continuous and see-through “stage”. Here the spatial scale is for the upper part of the body. The outer curve is the stand. Remained in their original 4m height, the columns are transformed into metal boxes as shelves, corridors, and entrances, creating an order and rhythm for the space and shaping seating areas with different sizes as to provide flexible experience space for the guests who come to enjoy specialty coffee.

▼ 兼作教學用的大吧檯,Serving and teaching bar counter

點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社

▼ 吊頂與吧檯,Ceiling and bar counters

點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社

▼ 室外,Outdoor view

點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社

▼ 平面

點亮灰盒子,GREYBOX COFFEE 成都店 / 繪造社

設計團隊:李涵 / 張欣桐 / 胡妍
建築面積:195 m2
攝影師:王洪躍 / 魯雯泋

Design Team: Li Han / Zhang Xintong / Hu Yan
Construction Area: 195 m2
Year of Design / Completion: 2017
Photography: Wang Hongyue / Lu Wenhui