'take a rain check', 做個下雨天檢查?

Rain 韓娛 紙牌屋 美劇 老友記美語私塾 老友記美語私塾 2017-08-26



in the care of: 在......的照顧下;由......照應;

meddling: If you say that someone meddles in something, you are criticizing the fact that they try to influence or change it without being asked. 干涉;"The army's destructive habit of meddling in Pakistani politics continues unabated." (軍隊並沒有改掉總是插手巴基斯坦政治這個破壞性的惡習)----《經濟學人--文藝》;"In vain you told her not to touch, her trick of meddling grew so much." (儘管你告訴她不要碰,但無濟於事,她愛搗亂的毛病有增無減)----《美國小學原版語文課》

after school: 放學後;下課後;

what do you say? 字面直譯是你說什麼?其實意思是你怎麼說?你怎麼看?你覺得怎麼樣,別人提議某件事之後問你的看法;而表示你說什麼應該是過去式 what did you say? 你(剛剛)說什麼?"What do you say we bag the hike and go do our romantic thing? (你覺得我們不要去登山了去開始我們的浪漫之旅怎麼樣)----美劇《家有正太》;"Let's make some money! What do you say? (我們來賺錢吧!你們說怎麼樣?)----美劇《大空頭》

suffer: to experience physical or mental pain〔身體或精神上〕受苦;遭受(痛苦);make sb suffer讓某人受苦,遭罪;

press: a piece of equipment used to put weight on something in order to make it flat or to force liquid out of it 壓平機;壓榨機;作動詞表示壓平,熨平衣物;a trouser press 熨褲機

tremendous "美 [trə'mɛndəs]": very big, fast, powerful etc 巨大的;極快的;強有力的;excellent 極好的,特棒的;"We have a tremendous victory tonight, it was a tremendous victory." (我們今晚取得了勝,這是一場勝)----BBC News

ease "美 [iz]": vt. 減輕,緩和;使安心;n. 輕鬆,舒適;安逸,悠閒;"Mr. Obama sought to ease concerns over a possible agreement with Iran." (奧巴馬總統試圖緩解可能與伊朗達成協議的憂慮)----VOA Special; "Put them at ease. I need to get them in the yes column." (讓他們放心,我得說服他們投贊成票)----美劇《紙牌屋第一季》

ease into: 輕鬆地,緩慢地進入;這裡的語境指的是輕鬆地融入新環境;gradually ease into student life 慢慢融入學生生活;

take a rain check (on sth): informal used to say that you will do something in the future but not now 下次吧,改天吧(非正式);"Oh, sorry, Nate. I have to take a rain check on our drink." (抱歉,Nate,我們約酒的時間得延後了)----美劇《緋聞女孩精選》

wait up: 走慢點,等一等;美國在線俚語詞典Urban Dictionary 上美國網友點贊最多的解釋是stop walking,等一等,別走,先別走;也就是用於比如別人忘了東西就走了,你叫別人或者叫別人停下來等等你就可以說wait up;

That's all for today

August 15, 2017. XOXO

