
中考 咖啡 風馬牛及 2019-04-28



171. The chicken farm on the hill is in the distance so it is impossible for you to return on foot before the night.位於山丘上的養雞場很遠,所以你不可能在天黑前徒步回來的。


172. She pushed the door open and hurried inside to find the answers to this quiz.她推開門,匆匆跑進去找這次測試的答案。


173. The temperature in summer will be above 38 degrees while in winter it will be below the zero.夏天的氣溫將會超過 38度,然而到了冬天,氣溫就降到零度以下。


174. It is predicted that the number of readers will continue to reduce so the leader decided to stop selling this kind of magazine forever.預計讀者數量將會繼續減少,領導決定永遠停止出售這種雜誌。


175. Although both juice and coffee are drinks, neither juice nor coffee can take the place of water.雖然果汁和咖啡都是飲料,但兩者都無法取代水。


176. The student thought the course is very boring so he began to play some trick on his desk mate.這名學生認為這門課程很無聊,所以他開始去惡作劇他的同桌。


177. Every time I passed this way, I walked with a quick step because I was afraid the dog might bite me even though it was lock.每次我經過這條路,我都加快腳步,因為我恐怕那條狗可能會要我即使它被鎖住了。


178. Both his teachers and parents thought he was very foolish because he couldn't count up to ten at a nearly age.他的老師和父母都認為他很傻,因為他小時候數數都數不到十。


179. When the danger comes, the male elephants will form a circle and shake their big ears to protect their children.當危險來臨時,雄性大象會形成一個圈,然後搖動他們的大耳朵來保護他們的孩子。


180. My brown bicycle went wrong at the top of the hill so I had to push it all way down.我的棕色的自行車在山丘頂上壞了,所以我不得不把它一路推下來。


