
音樂 命運交響曲 S.H.E 英語 hattle公主 2019-06-23

“The Spirt of”physically Disabled and Strong-minded




I你fact,there are many celebrities in history,such as the experience of body shape


Zhang Haidi


At the age of five,Zhang Haidi suffered from spinal cord aneurysm and caused high paraplegia caused by spinal cord hemangioma,but she was physically handicapped,hars-working and helpful. She was praised as "contemporary Paul".In the face of the cruel challenge of fate, Zhang Haidi was not depressed or depressed.She fought with perseverance and perseveranceagainst disease,withstood asevere test,and was full of confidence in life.Although she did not have the opportunity to enter the school,she worked hard.she completed all the courses in primary and secondary schools,taught hersef College Englishi,Japanese,Gerrman and Esperanto,and took couerses for University and postgraduate students.





The Symphony of Destiny is Beethoven's most outstanding work,Its theme is to reflect the strggle of human destiny,and ultimately to defeat life is also apotrayal of his owm life.At the age of 17,his mother died of illness,leaving only tuo brothers a sister and a fallen relative,Soon,Beethoven was injured and sall pax was almost killed.His misfortune was unbearable to a child,but Beethovwen survived nonetheless. But the greatest misfortune is the deafness at the age of 28.First,the ears ring day and night,and then the hearing becomes weaker and weaker .He ran out and could not hear the farmer's flute .Beethoven lives in this wprld,he understands too few people,he livs alonely life,all his energies are devoted to the hard struggle for deafness The only thing taht can comfort him is music.He did not give up.He talked about his love for nature,his puresuit of complete loss ofhearing .He firmly believed that"miusic can spark the human sprit" and fought tenaciously to win through the struggle."This idea runs through Beethovern's works all the timme.


海倫 凱勒

Helen keller

海倫 凱勒能夠不因缺廢而自暴自棄,反而更加努力上進,所以最後才有卓越的成就。你相信嗎?你相信又聾又啞的人能成為作家嗎?有的,這個人就是偉大的海倫凱勒女士。她在一歲多時候,因為生病,從此眼睛看不見,並且又聾又啞了。由於這個原因,她變得非常暴躁,動不動就發脾氣摔東西。家裡人看不下去了,便替她請來一位很耐心的家庭教師,這才慢慢地改變過來。她知道每一個人都很愛她,所以下定決心不辜負他們對她的期望,她用僅有的味覺、觸覺嗅覺認識四周環境,努力充實自己,可以更進一步學習寫作。幾年以來,當她的第一本書著作“我的一生”出版時,立即轟動了全美國。海倫凱迪雖然五官殘缺,但她能克服不幸,並完成大學教育。真可算是個身殘志堅的人。

Helen keller can not abandon herself because of lack of waste,but work harder,so she finally achieved remarkable results.Do you blieve?Do you believe that a deaf and dumb person can become a writer?Yes,this person is the great Mrs.Helen keller.In her early years,she became blind and deaf and dumb because of illness,For this reason,she became very violent and lost her temper and fell things at once.The family couldn't see it any longer,so they invited a patient tutor for her,wichi slowy channged.Knowing that everyone loves her,she is determied to live up to their expectations.She konws the surroundings with her only sense of taste,touchi and smell,and strives to enrich herself so taht she can learn to weite more.For years,when her frist book.



《If you give me three days of light》


"If Give Me Three Days of light"was written by Helen Keller,in which she imagined what she wold do during the three days of light.She said,"Helen"was a blind child,but because of Heken's never giving up spirit and sally's hars education,she became a famous writer.This article does not"start reading" put forward a thought-provoking question:If you were given three days of light,where would you look?Tree days,I want to spend a good time with my family,buy good things,so my best filal piety.The next day and the third day I will study hard.Helen,what a positive and indomitable name ,she inspires us to move forward step by step on the road of life.


In reality,we can also see that people with physical disabilties still have an optimistic attitude and are still active in their work and life.They have taugt us that we should have peresverance and perseverance in cherishing life.

