
英語 高中英語 HAHA 碧昂絲·諾利斯 服裝 Rain 茉莉英語Moli 2019-08-01

本文來源於:微信公眾號「茉莉英語Moli」 ID:Moli_English


本文來源於:微信公眾號「茉莉英語Moli」 ID:Moli_English


虛擬語氣,大家都知道是「非真實的」,那麼在英語中要怎麼表示呢?都有哪些表示方式呢?Moli 這就給大家介紹,大家要認真學哦,後面有一些虛擬語氣的歷年的真題和比較典型的題型練習。講解前大家可以自行私下聽下歌曲 If I were a boy. 咱們就以這首歌開始吧~~

| 一小段歌詞 |

If I were a boy


I'd roll out of bed in the morning


And throw on what I wanted and go


Drink beer with the guys


And chase after girls


碧昂絲·吉賽爾·諾斯(Beyoncé Giselle Knowles)是位女性,所以她唱 If I were a boy,但她不可能是男孩,所以很難實現的假設,虛擬語氣。

多麼優美的歌詞,做個男孩子一定是 high 翻了,If I were a boy, I would marry a pretty girl right now. Ha Ha ~~


本文來源於:微信公眾號「茉莉英語Moli」 ID:Moli_English


虛擬語氣,大家都知道是「非真實的」,那麼在英語中要怎麼表示呢?都有哪些表示方式呢?Moli 這就給大家介紹,大家要認真學哦,後面有一些虛擬語氣的歷年的真題和比較典型的題型練習。講解前大家可以自行私下聽下歌曲 If I were a boy. 咱們就以這首歌開始吧~~

| 一小段歌詞 |

If I were a boy


I'd roll out of bed in the morning


And throw on what I wanted and go


Drink beer with the guys


And chase after girls


碧昂絲·吉賽爾·諾斯(Beyoncé Giselle Knowles)是位女性,所以她唱 If I were a boy,但她不可能是男孩,所以很難實現的假設,虛擬語氣。

多麼優美的歌詞,做個男孩子一定是 high 翻了,If I were a boy, I would marry a pretty girl right now. Ha Ha ~~


Moli 說:

這塊知識理解了,列出的知識不斷重複達到長久記憶,語感行不通,反正 Moli 是感覺不出的。靠題海戰術是可以找出規律的,但是事倍功半,現在 Moli 把規律總結好了,炒雞事半功倍的哦~後期我們還會講如何把虛擬語氣的知識用在寫作當中,寶寶們及時關注!


一、虛擬語氣在 if 非真實條件句中

1 牢記 3D1T


本文來源於:微信公眾號「茉莉英語Moli」 ID:Moli_English


虛擬語氣,大家都知道是「非真實的」,那麼在英語中要怎麼表示呢?都有哪些表示方式呢?Moli 這就給大家介紹,大家要認真學哦,後面有一些虛擬語氣的歷年的真題和比較典型的題型練習。講解前大家可以自行私下聽下歌曲 If I were a boy. 咱們就以這首歌開始吧~~

| 一小段歌詞 |

If I were a boy


I'd roll out of bed in the morning


And throw on what I wanted and go


Drink beer with the guys


And chase after girls


碧昂絲·吉賽爾·諾斯(Beyoncé Giselle Knowles)是位女性,所以她唱 If I were a boy,但她不可能是男孩,所以很難實現的假設,虛擬語氣。

多麼優美的歌詞,做個男孩子一定是 high 翻了,If I were a boy, I would marry a pretty girl right now. Ha Ha ~~


Moli 說:

這塊知識理解了,列出的知識不斷重複達到長久記憶,語感行不通,反正 Moli 是感覺不出的。靠題海戰術是可以找出規律的,但是事倍功半,現在 Moli 把規律總結好了,炒雞事半功倍的哦~後期我們還會講如何把虛擬語氣的知識用在寫作當中,寶寶們及時關注!


一、虛擬語氣在 if 非真實條件句中

1 牢記 3D1T


3d1t : would/could/should/might

2 使用虛擬條件句應注意的幾點

- 2-1 -

當條件狀語從句表現的行為和主句表示的行為發生的時間不一致時,被稱為 「錯綜虛擬語氣」,也叫 「混合虛擬語氣」,也就是根據相應的時間,對主句與從句分別做出虛擬。


① If you had followed my advice just now, you would be better now.

② If you had studied hard before, you would be a college student now.

- 2-2 -

在條件句中可省略 If,把 were / had / should 提到句首,變為倒裝句。但如從句沒有 were, had 或 should,則一般不能這樣做。


① If I were at school again, I would study harder.

Were I at school again, I would study harder.

② If you had come earlier, you would catch the bus.

Had you come earlier, you would catch the bus.

③ If it should rain tomorrow, we would not go climbing.

Should it rain tomorrow, we would not go climbing.

※ 注意:若省略的條件句中的謂語動詞是否定形式時,不能用動詞的縮略形式。


Were it not for the expense, I would go abroad now.

Weren't it for the expense, I would go abroad now.

3 做題思路

- 3-1 -

先判斷考主句還是從句,if 鏈接的是從句。

- 3-2 -


4 小試牛刀

① If I ______ the project earlier, I would be enjoying myself on the beach now.

A. might finish

B. finished

C. had finished

D. would have finished


1. 考從句

2. 從句對過去的虛擬(享受是現在,完成肯定是過去) 對應結構 had done

② If you had told him the truth, he ______ so angry now.

A. isn't

B. wasn't

C. wouldn't be

D. wouldn't have been


1. 考主句

2. 主句是對現在的虛擬,故用結構 3D1T + do

③ If Nina _____ that her husband would go to the bus stop to meet her, she wouldn't have walked back home.

A. knows

B. knew

C. has known

D. had known


1. 考從句

2. 從句是對過去的虛擬(如果 Nina 知道她丈夫來接她,她就不會走回家。wouldn't have walked 走回家是過去,那知道與否也是過去),故用結構 had done


1. or / otherwise(否則)

(1). 對過去:would/could/might/should+ have done

(2). 現在/將來:would/could/might/should + do


① I was ill that day,otherwise I would have taken part in the sports meeting.

② He telephoned to inform of your birthday, or I would have known nothing about it.

2. with, without, but for

(1). 對過去:would/could/might/should + have done

(2). 現在/將來:would/could/might/should + do


① But for your help, we couldn't have finished the work ahead of time.

② What would you do with a million dollars?

3. 小試牛刀

I didn't know your mobile phone number, otherwise I you the moment I got to Canada.

A. would ring

B. would have rung

C. had rung

D. rang


一到家就給你打電話,got 到家是過去,打電話是同時的,也是過去,otherwise 對過去的虛擬後面結構 3D1T + have done

三、Even if 與 even though

Even if 與 even though 也可用於虛擬語氣,其形式與 if 相同


Even if I had been very busy then, I would have helped you out.


wish 從句中分別用:

(1). were / did → 現在

(2). had done → 過去

(3). would / could / might + do → 將來

Moli 說:

注意 wish 賓語從句中的虛擬語氣比較有規律,虛擬情況比真實情況往前推一個時態。


I wish I hadn't seen the movie yesterday.

I wish there would be no haze tomorrow.

I wish I were a bird.


① I'm glad that you had a good time at the tea party. I wish I there !

A. have been

B. was

C. were

D. had been(party 已經開完了,真希望我也在那,賓從是對過去的虛擬)

② Seeing Michael so sad, I wish I him the truth.

A. hadn't told(賓從是對過去的虛擬)

B. wouldn't tell

C. are not telling

D. will not


1. If only

If only = How I wish…


① If only I were a bird! = How I wish I were a bird!

② If only our dream had come true! = How I wish our dream had come true!

2. would rather 寧願

(1). had done (對過去)

(2). did / were (對現在和將來)


I would rather they didn't come today.

3. as if / as though 彷彿好像

(1). had done (過去)

(2). were / did (現在)

(3). would / could / might + do (將來)


① He speaks as if he were the boss.

② It looks as if it is going to rain. (沒有虛擬,是一種推測)

4. It is (high) time that the children went / should go to bed.

5. should + 動詞原形

在表示 「建議」、「要求」、「命令」 或 「應當做……」 等意義的動詞後面的賓語從句、表語從句和同位語從句中的謂語動詞需要用虛擬語氣,即用 「should + 動詞原形」 來表示。

【- 5-1 -】


insist; demand; desire; decide; request; require;

order; propose; command; ask; arrange; advise;


【- 5-2 -】


① I insisted that he should come with us.

② He came to my house and demanded that I should help him.

③ He desired that you should come at once.

【- 5-3 -】


⇢ - 5-3-1 -

這些動詞變為被動語態(如:It is suggested + that 主語從句)形式後,從句的謂語動詞仍用 「should + 動詞原形」。


① It is ordered that the medicine should be sent soon.

② It is required that you should arrive at 8 a.m.

⇢ - 5-3-2 -

由這些動詞派生的或轉換的名詞(如:suggestion 建議;decision 決定;demand 要求;requirement 要求、需要)後面的表語從句和同位語從句的謂語動詞仍用「should + 動詞原形」。


① My suggestion is that we should send a few people to help the other groups.

② Their decision was that John should not share the room with them.

⇢ - 5-3-3 -

suggest 暗示、表明;insist 堅決認為,堅持說,後面的賓語從句則不用虛擬語氣,而用陳述語氣。


① He insisted that he had not stolen the money.

② Her smile suggested that she was satisfied.


— The professor gave a really good speech.

— I suggest you ______ him some specific questions about his work experience.

A. have asked

B. will ask

C. asked

D. ask

解析:suggest 當建議講時,後面用 sb. (should) do

⇢ - 5-3-4 -


① It is necessary / important / strange that…

② It is no wonder / good news / a pity…

③ It is suggested / demanded / ordered / requested that…

等從句中,謂語動詞常用 「should + 動詞原形」


1. 如果我昨天去看了《西遊降魔篇》(Odyssey),我當時就會遇見周星馳(Stephen Chow)了。(請運用倒裝句式)

2. 如果我昨天去看了《西遊降魔篇》,今天我就可以和你好好聊聊這部電影。(混合虛擬)

3. 作為周星馳的粉絲,爸爸堅決要求週末大家一起去看《西遊降魔篇》。他堅持認為周星馳是最有才華的香港導演。(複習 I DROP CAPS ,同時注意 insist / suggest 在不同意思時,所使用的不同句式)

4. 我希望我和你一樣高。(wish)

5. 我希望我昨天沒有看這部電影。

6. 我希望明天不要再有霧霾天氣(haze)。

7. 中國該重視傳統文化了。(It is high time that……,請用兩種表達法翻譯這個句子)

8. 昨天的天氣特糟糕,我寧願當時呆在家裡。(would rather)

9. 我寧願他們今天沒來。

10. 他說話的口氣似乎他是老闆。(as if)


