
英語 金鋼狼 X戰警 影視 滬江英語 2017-03-25





Silver:Female powers of persuasion. It’s a gift.

Logan: Oh, I see. Do you have these powers over me?

Silver: Well, you didn’t stay in the car, did you? Why is the moon so lonely?

Logan: Why?

Silver: Because she used to have a lover.

Logan: You tell this to the kids?

Silver: No. He name was Kuekuatsshen and they lived the spirit world together.

Logan: Oh, this is a true story? All right.

Silver: And every night they would wonder the skies together, but ine of the other spirits was jealous. Trickster wanted the moon for himself. So he told Kuekuatsshen that the moon had asked for flowers. He told him to come to our world and pick her some wild roses. But Kuekuatsshen didn’t know that once you leave the spirit world. You can never go back. And every night he looks up in the sky and sees the moon and howls her name. But he can never touch her again.

Logan: Koo-ko-ka-choo got screwed Kuekuatsshen. It’s means “the Wolverine”.



1. stay in

銀狐對金剛狼說,女人勸說的能力是一種天賦。羅根反問到,你對我用過這種能力嗎?銀狐回答他說,我讓你待在車裡你沒有聽,不是嗎?stay in是保持住,待在那裡意思,還有待在家裡,不外出的意思。

2.look up

銀狐給羅根講了一個故事,解釋了為什麼月亮是孤獨的,金剛狼本來和月亮是一對相戀的愛人,受了騙子的挑唆,金剛狼離開了月亮,為她尋找野薔薇,但是他們再也無法相見,每一晚,他都會看著天空上的月亮呼喚她的名字。Look up向上看的意思,在這裡指抬頭望天空。




