雅思口語Part1/2 素材:Rain or Shine

英語 Rain 雅思 桌遊 學為貴教育 2017-04-21

雅思口語Part1/2 素材:Rain or Shine

雅思口語Part1/2素材庫:weather and celebrity

If the weather is nice and lovely, I prefer outdoor activities, like hiking, camping, picnicking, you know, you can enjoy the sunshine and take the fresh air. If not, just indoor activities, say, singing karaoke, playing cards and table games.


Picnicking 野餐

singing karaoke 唱卡拉OK

playing cards and table games 玩紙牌和桌遊

Well, I have been dreaming to be a famous actor since I was young. If so, I could make a fortune and buy whatever I want. What’s more, I could also have a huge following.


If so 如果這樣的話

make a fortune 發大財

buy whatever I want 買自己想買的

have a huge following 有很多粉絲



