《活下去的理由》: Be brave. Be Strong. Breathe. Keep going.

英國 小說 喵喵嗚貓 2019-06-08

《活下去的理由》:Be brave. Be Strong. Breathe, and keep going.

雙語美文 英漢對照讀美文,感悟語言的藝術

英國當紅小說家馬特·海格(Matt Haig)所著的回憶錄《活下去的理由》(Reasons to Stay Alive)連續46周霸佔了英國圖書暢銷榜的前十。溫暖,詼諧,富有人性,這本書是生命的宣言,作者帶來的溫暖能夠治癒人內心的傷痛。

《活下去的理由》: Be brave. Be Strong. Breathe. Keep going.




《活下去的理由》: Be brave. Be Strong. Breathe. Keep going.

What a gift it is to be normal! We’re all walking on these unseen tightropes when really we could slip at any second and come face to face with all existential horrors that only lie dormant in our minds.


If your back hurts it might hurt more by sitting down. If your mind hurts it hurts by thinking. And you feel there is no real, easy equivalent of standing back up.


All we can do, for the moment is really we need to do--listen to ourselves. When we are trying to get better, the only truth that matters is what works for us.


《活下去的理由》: Be brave. Be Strong. Breathe. Keep going.

Life is waiting for you. You might be stuck here for a while, but the world isn’t going anywhere. Hang on in if you can. Life is always worth it.


Normal is subjective. There are seven billion versions of normal on this planet!


I am you and you are me. We are alone, but not alone. We are trapped by time, but also infinite. Made of flesh, but also stars.


Yet nothing is more freeing. To accept your smallness in the world.


Wherever you are, at any moment, try and find something beautiful. A face, a line out of a poem, the clouds out of a window, some graffiti, a wind farm. Beauty cleans the mind.


《活下去的理由》: Be brave. Be Strong. Breathe. Keep going.

Sit down. Lie down. Be still. Do nothing. Observe. Listen to your mind. Let it do what it does without judging it. Let it go, like the Snow Queen in Frozen.


Three in the morning is never the time to try and sort out your life.


Don’t worry about the time you lose to despair. The time you will have afterwards has just doubled in value.


《活下去的理由》: Be brave. Be Strong. Breathe. Keep going.