'「雅思」雅思詞彙詞組必備紅寶書Unit 1-1 (MP3下載)'

雅思 MP3 軟件 約翰·梅爾 雅思全知道 2019-07-20


「雅思」雅思詞彙詞組必備紅寶書Unit 1-1 (MP3下載)

雅思詞組1:a big potato大人物

A big potato is easy to distinguish, for he is always the last to arrive at a party.


近義詞組:a big shot

雅思詞組2:a box office smash(電影)票房很成功

Though the film was far from a box office smash when it first hit theaters in 2005, it did receive generally positive reviews that time.


The director is a talent and most of his films are box office smashes.


近義詞組 :a box office hit

在雅思口語考試中,常會涉及一些與hobby(業餘愛好)、leisure activity(休閒活動)等相關的話題,其中電影就是一個較常出現的內容,這裡介紹一些和“票房”、“電影”相關的詞組:

the highest grossing/top-grossing movie票房冠軍影片,票房最高的影片

weekend box office週末票房

opening day box office首日票房

daily box office每日票房

box office battle票房大戰

雅思詞組3:a bunch of 一些

A:I'm gonna ask you a bunch of questions and then you have to answer them real fast.Okay? So,clear your mind! Clear it right out!




近義詞組 :a few of

雅思詞組4:a couple of 幾個

A:Did the lecturer suggest anything in particular?


B:Yeah.She recommended software called Vivat and I should book up for a couple of practice sessions using Vivat.


A:Now,there are a couple of books I'd like you to look at. Have you got a pen? Right... Approaches to Local History BY John Mervis.


B: Right...


雅思詞組5:a cushion of air 氣墊

The main purpose of the first experiment is to show how hovercrafts work, and how things hover around on a cushion of air.


雅思詞組6:a heavy demand for對…有很大需求

We do have a few rooms available for delegates at the conference centre. Those are very cheap but if you're interested you'll need to book soon, because there's always a heavy demand for them.


近義詞組 :a big/great demand for

雅思詞組7:a host of大量,許多,一大群

Despite the harsh criticism and a host of skeptics, the preparation for the talk show is proceeding apace.


雅思詞組8:a matter of time 時間問題

The police said that it was just a matter of time before the murderer was put into prison.


雅思詞組9:a multitude of許多,大量,眾多

Humans have adapted to a multitude of diets.The Western diet,however, is not one of them and we have higher rates of cancer and obesity than people on traditional diets.


a multitude of 後面應當接可數名詞的複數形式。

雅思詞組10:a piece of cake 小菜一碟;小事一樁

A:Don't forget to bring your ballet shoes for tomorrow's audition.


B:Ahhh! My teacher said it wasn't a dancing part.


A:Susan, all the roles got to dance a little. But believe me with your dance background it'll be a piece of cake.


近義詞組 :a snap


a cake walk 輕而易舉的事

have one's cake and eat it too 既要魚,又要熊掌

like hot cakes 很受歡迎

the icing on the cake 飾上添花

have bigger fish to fiy 有更重要的事要做

sugar-daddy 出手闊綽以博取年輕女子歡心的中年男人

limp as a noodle 無精打采


