
莎士比亞 英語 戲劇 星際迷航 雅思小倫哥 2019-07-20



Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education





Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review





Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman





Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe





Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage




Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage





Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage




After Elizabeth I died, Shakespeare’s company was awarded a royal patent by King James I (VI of Scotland), and became the King’s Men. King Lear, probably composed in this year, took divided kingdoms as its theme mirroring James I's new domain of England, Scotland and Wales. Meanwhile Macbeth, also written early in James's reign, gives a kind portrayal of James’s ancestor Banquo and was probably intended to honour the new king’s Scottish ancestry.


1609 Shakespeare's sonnets published




Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage




After Elizabeth I died, Shakespeare’s company was awarded a royal patent by King James I (VI of Scotland), and became the King’s Men. King Lear, probably composed in this year, took divided kingdoms as its theme mirroring James I's new domain of England, Scotland and Wales. Meanwhile Macbeth, also written early in James's reign, gives a kind portrayal of James’s ancestor Banquo and was probably intended to honour the new king’s Scottish ancestry.


1609 Shakespeare's sonnets published





Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage




After Elizabeth I died, Shakespeare’s company was awarded a royal patent by King James I (VI of Scotland), and became the King’s Men. King Lear, probably composed in this year, took divided kingdoms as its theme mirroring James I's new domain of England, Scotland and Wales. Meanwhile Macbeth, also written early in James's reign, gives a kind portrayal of James’s ancestor Banquo and was probably intended to honour the new king’s Scottish ancestry.


1609 Shakespeare's sonnets published




Shakespeare published 154 sonnets which explored themes of love, sex and beauty. He probably started them in 1592 when plague closed the theatres. The sonnets include a dedication to one "Mr. W.H.". The identity of this person remains a mystery and has provoked a great deal of speculation. Sonnets were a traditional and popular form during the Elizabethan period. Several of them, including Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?), and Sonnet 116 (Let me not to the marriage of true minds) have become some of the most familiar poems in all of English literature.

莎士比亞出版了154首十四行詩,探討了愛情、性和美的主題,這些作品的創作可能始於1592年,當劇院因瘟疫而關閉的時候。十四行詩中包括給“Mr. W.H.”的題詞,這位先生的身份引起過多種猜測但一直是謎。十四行詩在伊麗莎白時代是一種傳統而流行的形式,莎士比亞的編號18(我可以把你比作夏日嗎)和116(我絕不承認兩顆真心的結合)的十四行詩,已經成為了英國文學史上耳熟能詳的經典。

1613 Shakespeare writes his last play




Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage




After Elizabeth I died, Shakespeare’s company was awarded a royal patent by King James I (VI of Scotland), and became the King’s Men. King Lear, probably composed in this year, took divided kingdoms as its theme mirroring James I's new domain of England, Scotland and Wales. Meanwhile Macbeth, also written early in James's reign, gives a kind portrayal of James’s ancestor Banquo and was probably intended to honour the new king’s Scottish ancestry.


1609 Shakespeare's sonnets published




Shakespeare published 154 sonnets which explored themes of love, sex and beauty. He probably started them in 1592 when plague closed the theatres. The sonnets include a dedication to one "Mr. W.H.". The identity of this person remains a mystery and has provoked a great deal of speculation. Sonnets were a traditional and popular form during the Elizabethan period. Several of them, including Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?), and Sonnet 116 (Let me not to the marriage of true minds) have become some of the most familiar poems in all of English literature.

莎士比亞出版了154首十四行詩,探討了愛情、性和美的主題,這些作品的創作可能始於1592年,當劇院因瘟疫而關閉的時候。十四行詩中包括給“Mr. W.H.”的題詞,這位先生的身份引起過多種猜測但一直是謎。十四行詩在伊麗莎白時代是一種傳統而流行的形式,莎士比亞的編號18(我可以把你比作夏日嗎)和116(我絕不承認兩顆真心的結合)的十四行詩,已經成為了英國文學史上耳熟能詳的經典。

1613 Shakespeare writes his last play





Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage




After Elizabeth I died, Shakespeare’s company was awarded a royal patent by King James I (VI of Scotland), and became the King’s Men. King Lear, probably composed in this year, took divided kingdoms as its theme mirroring James I's new domain of England, Scotland and Wales. Meanwhile Macbeth, also written early in James's reign, gives a kind portrayal of James’s ancestor Banquo and was probably intended to honour the new king’s Scottish ancestry.


1609 Shakespeare's sonnets published




Shakespeare published 154 sonnets which explored themes of love, sex and beauty. He probably started them in 1592 when plague closed the theatres. The sonnets include a dedication to one "Mr. W.H.". The identity of this person remains a mystery and has provoked a great deal of speculation. Sonnets were a traditional and popular form during the Elizabethan period. Several of them, including Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?), and Sonnet 116 (Let me not to the marriage of true minds) have become some of the most familiar poems in all of English literature.

莎士比亞出版了154首十四行詩,探討了愛情、性和美的主題,這些作品的創作可能始於1592年,當劇院因瘟疫而關閉的時候。十四行詩中包括給“Mr. W.H.”的題詞,這位先生的身份引起過多種猜測但一直是謎。十四行詩在伊麗莎白時代是一種傳統而流行的形式,莎士比亞的編號18(我可以把你比作夏日嗎)和116(我絕不承認兩顆真心的結合)的十四行詩,已經成為了英國文學史上耳熟能詳的經典。

1613 Shakespeare writes his last play




The Two Noble Kinsmen was possibly the last play Shakespeare worked on. He wrote it with a collaborator, John Fletcher. In the previous decade he had written his late romances - Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale and The Tempest. These plays are graver in tone than the comedies of the 1590s but less so than the tragedies, as they end with reconciliation and forgiveness for potentially tragic actions. This change of mood may simply reflect the theatrical fashion of the day, but it could also be evidence Shakespeare had developed a more temperate view of life as he aged. 與John Fletcher共同創作的《兩貴親》可能是莎士比亞最後一部作品。在過去的十年裡,他寫了《辛白林》、《冬天的故事》和《暴風雨》。這些戲劇的基調相較1590年代的喜劇系列更為嚴肅,但並沒有到悲劇系列的程度,因為它們的結局一和解原諒潛在悲劇行為而告終。這些情緒的變化或許只是反映了當時的戲劇風向,也或許能夠反映出莎士比亞隨著年齡的增長,對生活的看法變得更加溫和。



Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage




After Elizabeth I died, Shakespeare’s company was awarded a royal patent by King James I (VI of Scotland), and became the King’s Men. King Lear, probably composed in this year, took divided kingdoms as its theme mirroring James I's new domain of England, Scotland and Wales. Meanwhile Macbeth, also written early in James's reign, gives a kind portrayal of James’s ancestor Banquo and was probably intended to honour the new king’s Scottish ancestry.


1609 Shakespeare's sonnets published




Shakespeare published 154 sonnets which explored themes of love, sex and beauty. He probably started them in 1592 when plague closed the theatres. The sonnets include a dedication to one "Mr. W.H.". The identity of this person remains a mystery and has provoked a great deal of speculation. Sonnets were a traditional and popular form during the Elizabethan period. Several of them, including Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?), and Sonnet 116 (Let me not to the marriage of true minds) have become some of the most familiar poems in all of English literature.

莎士比亞出版了154首十四行詩,探討了愛情、性和美的主題,這些作品的創作可能始於1592年,當劇院因瘟疫而關閉的時候。十四行詩中包括給“Mr. W.H.”的題詞,這位先生的身份引起過多種猜測但一直是謎。十四行詩在伊麗莎白時代是一種傳統而流行的形式,莎士比亞的編號18(我可以把你比作夏日嗎)和116(我絕不承認兩顆真心的結合)的十四行詩,已經成為了英國文學史上耳熟能詳的經典。

1613 Shakespeare writes his last play




The Two Noble Kinsmen was possibly the last play Shakespeare worked on. He wrote it with a collaborator, John Fletcher. In the previous decade he had written his late romances - Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale and The Tempest. These plays are graver in tone than the comedies of the 1590s but less so than the tragedies, as they end with reconciliation and forgiveness for potentially tragic actions. This change of mood may simply reflect the theatrical fashion of the day, but it could also be evidence Shakespeare had developed a more temperate view of life as he aged. 與John Fletcher共同創作的《兩貴親》可能是莎士比亞最後一部作品。在過去的十年裡,他寫了《辛白林》、《冬天的故事》和《暴風雨》。這些戲劇的基調相較1590年代的喜劇系列更為嚴肅,但並沒有到悲劇系列的程度,因為它們的結局一和解原諒潛在悲劇行為而告終。這些情緒的變化或許只是反映了當時的戲劇風向,也或許能夠反映出莎士比亞隨著年齡的增長,對生活的看法變得更加溫和。




Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage




After Elizabeth I died, Shakespeare’s company was awarded a royal patent by King James I (VI of Scotland), and became the King’s Men. King Lear, probably composed in this year, took divided kingdoms as its theme mirroring James I's new domain of England, Scotland and Wales. Meanwhile Macbeth, also written early in James's reign, gives a kind portrayal of James’s ancestor Banquo and was probably intended to honour the new king’s Scottish ancestry.


1609 Shakespeare's sonnets published




Shakespeare published 154 sonnets which explored themes of love, sex and beauty. He probably started them in 1592 when plague closed the theatres. The sonnets include a dedication to one "Mr. W.H.". The identity of this person remains a mystery and has provoked a great deal of speculation. Sonnets were a traditional and popular form during the Elizabethan period. Several of them, including Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?), and Sonnet 116 (Let me not to the marriage of true minds) have become some of the most familiar poems in all of English literature.

莎士比亞出版了154首十四行詩,探討了愛情、性和美的主題,這些作品的創作可能始於1592年,當劇院因瘟疫而關閉的時候。十四行詩中包括給“Mr. W.H.”的題詞,這位先生的身份引起過多種猜測但一直是謎。十四行詩在伊麗莎白時代是一種傳統而流行的形式,莎士比亞的編號18(我可以把你比作夏日嗎)和116(我絕不承認兩顆真心的結合)的十四行詩,已經成為了英國文學史上耳熟能詳的經典。

1613 Shakespeare writes his last play




The Two Noble Kinsmen was possibly the last play Shakespeare worked on. He wrote it with a collaborator, John Fletcher. In the previous decade he had written his late romances - Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale and The Tempest. These plays are graver in tone than the comedies of the 1590s but less so than the tragedies, as they end with reconciliation and forgiveness for potentially tragic actions. This change of mood may simply reflect the theatrical fashion of the day, but it could also be evidence Shakespeare had developed a more temperate view of life as he aged. 與John Fletcher共同創作的《兩貴親》可能是莎士比亞最後一部作品。在過去的十年裡,他寫了《辛白林》、《冬天的故事》和《暴風雨》。這些戲劇的基調相較1590年代的喜劇系列更為嚴肅,但並沒有到悲劇系列的程度,因為它們的結局一和解原諒潛在悲劇行為而告終。這些情緒的變化或許只是反映了當時的戲劇風向,也或許能夠反映出莎士比亞隨著年齡的增長,對生活的看法變得更加溫和。





Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage




After Elizabeth I died, Shakespeare’s company was awarded a royal patent by King James I (VI of Scotland), and became the King’s Men. King Lear, probably composed in this year, took divided kingdoms as its theme mirroring James I's new domain of England, Scotland and Wales. Meanwhile Macbeth, also written early in James's reign, gives a kind portrayal of James’s ancestor Banquo and was probably intended to honour the new king’s Scottish ancestry.


1609 Shakespeare's sonnets published




Shakespeare published 154 sonnets which explored themes of love, sex and beauty. He probably started them in 1592 when plague closed the theatres. The sonnets include a dedication to one "Mr. W.H.". The identity of this person remains a mystery and has provoked a great deal of speculation. Sonnets were a traditional and popular form during the Elizabethan period. Several of them, including Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?), and Sonnet 116 (Let me not to the marriage of true minds) have become some of the most familiar poems in all of English literature.

莎士比亞出版了154首十四行詩,探討了愛情、性和美的主題,這些作品的創作可能始於1592年,當劇院因瘟疫而關閉的時候。十四行詩中包括給“Mr. W.H.”的題詞,這位先生的身份引起過多種猜測但一直是謎。十四行詩在伊麗莎白時代是一種傳統而流行的形式,莎士比亞的編號18(我可以把你比作夏日嗎)和116(我絕不承認兩顆真心的結合)的十四行詩,已經成為了英國文學史上耳熟能詳的經典。

1613 Shakespeare writes his last play




The Two Noble Kinsmen was possibly the last play Shakespeare worked on. He wrote it with a collaborator, John Fletcher. In the previous decade he had written his late romances - Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale and The Tempest. These plays are graver in tone than the comedies of the 1590s but less so than the tragedies, as they end with reconciliation and forgiveness for potentially tragic actions. This change of mood may simply reflect the theatrical fashion of the day, but it could also be evidence Shakespeare had developed a more temperate view of life as he aged. 與John Fletcher共同創作的《兩貴親》可能是莎士比亞最後一部作品。在過去的十年裡,他寫了《辛白林》、《冬天的故事》和《暴風雨》。這些戲劇的基調相較1590年代的喜劇系列更為嚴肅,但並沒有到悲劇系列的程度,因為它們的結局一和解原諒潛在悲劇行為而告終。這些情緒的變化或許只是反映了當時的戲劇風向,也或許能夠反映出莎士比亞隨著年齡的增長,對生活的看法變得更加溫和。






Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage




After Elizabeth I died, Shakespeare’s company was awarded a royal patent by King James I (VI of Scotland), and became the King’s Men. King Lear, probably composed in this year, took divided kingdoms as its theme mirroring James I's new domain of England, Scotland and Wales. Meanwhile Macbeth, also written early in James's reign, gives a kind portrayal of James’s ancestor Banquo and was probably intended to honour the new king’s Scottish ancestry.


1609 Shakespeare's sonnets published




Shakespeare published 154 sonnets which explored themes of love, sex and beauty. He probably started them in 1592 when plague closed the theatres. The sonnets include a dedication to one "Mr. W.H.". The identity of this person remains a mystery and has provoked a great deal of speculation. Sonnets were a traditional and popular form during the Elizabethan period. Several of them, including Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?), and Sonnet 116 (Let me not to the marriage of true minds) have become some of the most familiar poems in all of English literature.

莎士比亞出版了154首十四行詩,探討了愛情、性和美的主題,這些作品的創作可能始於1592年,當劇院因瘟疫而關閉的時候。十四行詩中包括給“Mr. W.H.”的題詞,這位先生的身份引起過多種猜測但一直是謎。十四行詩在伊麗莎白時代是一種傳統而流行的形式,莎士比亞的編號18(我可以把你比作夏日嗎)和116(我絕不承認兩顆真心的結合)的十四行詩,已經成為了英國文學史上耳熟能詳的經典。

1613 Shakespeare writes his last play




The Two Noble Kinsmen was possibly the last play Shakespeare worked on. He wrote it with a collaborator, John Fletcher. In the previous decade he had written his late romances - Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale and The Tempest. These plays are graver in tone than the comedies of the 1590s but less so than the tragedies, as they end with reconciliation and forgiveness for potentially tragic actions. This change of mood may simply reflect the theatrical fashion of the day, but it could also be evidence Shakespeare had developed a more temperate view of life as he aged. 與John Fletcher共同創作的《兩貴親》可能是莎士比亞最後一部作品。在過去的十年裡,他寫了《辛白林》、《冬天的故事》和《暴風雨》。這些戲劇的基調相較1590年代的喜劇系列更為嚴肅,但並沒有到悲劇系列的程度,因為它們的結局一和解原諒潛在悲劇行為而告終。這些情緒的變化或許只是反映了當時的戲劇風向,也或許能夠反映出莎士比亞隨著年齡的增長,對生活的看法變得更加溫和。







Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage




After Elizabeth I died, Shakespeare’s company was awarded a royal patent by King James I (VI of Scotland), and became the King’s Men. King Lear, probably composed in this year, took divided kingdoms as its theme mirroring James I's new domain of England, Scotland and Wales. Meanwhile Macbeth, also written early in James's reign, gives a kind portrayal of James’s ancestor Banquo and was probably intended to honour the new king’s Scottish ancestry.


1609 Shakespeare's sonnets published




Shakespeare published 154 sonnets which explored themes of love, sex and beauty. He probably started them in 1592 when plague closed the theatres. The sonnets include a dedication to one "Mr. W.H.". The identity of this person remains a mystery and has provoked a great deal of speculation. Sonnets were a traditional and popular form during the Elizabethan period. Several of them, including Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?), and Sonnet 116 (Let me not to the marriage of true minds) have become some of the most familiar poems in all of English literature.

莎士比亞出版了154首十四行詩,探討了愛情、性和美的主題,這些作品的創作可能始於1592年,當劇院因瘟疫而關閉的時候。十四行詩中包括給“Mr. W.H.”的題詞,這位先生的身份引起過多種猜測但一直是謎。十四行詩在伊麗莎白時代是一種傳統而流行的形式,莎士比亞的編號18(我可以把你比作夏日嗎)和116(我絕不承認兩顆真心的結合)的十四行詩,已經成為了英國文學史上耳熟能詳的經典。

1613 Shakespeare writes his last play




The Two Noble Kinsmen was possibly the last play Shakespeare worked on. He wrote it with a collaborator, John Fletcher. In the previous decade he had written his late romances - Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale and The Tempest. These plays are graver in tone than the comedies of the 1590s but less so than the tragedies, as they end with reconciliation and forgiveness for potentially tragic actions. This change of mood may simply reflect the theatrical fashion of the day, but it could also be evidence Shakespeare had developed a more temperate view of life as he aged. 與John Fletcher共同創作的《兩貴親》可能是莎士比亞最後一部作品。在過去的十年裡,他寫了《辛白林》、《冬天的故事》和《暴風雨》。這些戲劇的基調相較1590年代的喜劇系列更為嚴肅,但並沒有到悲劇系列的程度,因為它們的結局一和解原諒潛在悲劇行為而告終。這些情緒的變化或許只是反映了當時的戲劇風向,也或許能夠反映出莎士比亞隨著年齡的增長,對生活的看法變得更加溫和。






the Lord Chamberlain’s Men張伯倫勳爵劇團




Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today, introducing up to 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases. His plays are known around the world for their universal themes and insight into the human condition. Yet much about the playwright is a mystery. Historians don’t know his date of birth, where he was educated or how he spent seven years of his life.



Shakespeare’s education




Details of Shakespeare’s schooling are unknown. It is likely that he began his education at the age of six or seven. As his father was now a bailiff, young William probably attended the local grammar school. Its curriculum emphasised Greek classics and pupils also learned plays in Latin. Religious education was also important, and Shakespeare drew on these sources in his later work with classical and religious allusions. Shakespeare probably attended school until about age 15. There is no record of him going to university.


1592 Shakespeare’s first review




The next known record of Shakespeare appears after he was already a playwright in London. It's a review – and not a positive one.Playwright Robert Greene called Shakespeare an "upstart crow”, accusing him of reaching above his rank compared with university-educated writers such as Christopher Marlowe and Greene himself. Drama in Elizabethan theatre shifted from the religious to the secular and companies of players formed to entertain the public under the patronage of noblemen. Shakespeare belonged to the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He is thought to have written the three parts of Henry VI and Richard III by this point.

下一個有關莎士比亞的記載出現在他在倫敦成為劇作家之後。內容是一篇評論文章——負面評論:劇作家Robert Greene稱他為“自命不凡的烏鴉”,將他與Cristopher Marlowe和自己等受過大學教育的劇作家比較,認為莎士比亞的水平已經到了頂峰。伊麗莎白時代的戲劇開始從宗教化轉向世俗化,新的演員團體在貴族贊助下為娛樂大眾而建。莎士比亞是張伯倫勳爵劇團成員,他被認為創作了《亨利六世》和《理查德三世》。

1596 Shakespeare becomes a gentleman




William Shakespeare's coat of arms, reproduced in 1787. 'Non sanz droict' means 'Not without right’. William is thought to have revived his father’s lapsed application for a family coat of arms in 1596. Scholars suggest the application showed he was now a successful businessman as much as a talented playwright. In 1602 he had to defend his title against accusations that “Shakespeare ye player” did not merit the honour of a coat of arms. By this time Shakespeare's company had performed Romeo and Juliet, Richard II and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

威廉·莎士比亞的紋章重新出現在1787年,“Non sanz droict”的含義是“非無權利”。據說,莎士比亞恢復了他父親的家庭盾形紋章展示權,這表明他不僅是一位才華橫溢的劇作家,還是一位成功的商人。1602年,他不得不為自己的頭銜辯護,以反對“Shakespeare ye player”不該獲得該紋章的指責。此時,莎士比亞劇團已經上演了《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《理查德二世》和《仲夏夜之夢》。


Building the Globe




Shakespeare’s plays made him both famous and wealthy. By now he was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The group built their own theatre called the Globe, and Shakespeare owned a 12.5% stake. This made him even wealthier. He invested in property in Stratford and London, and records of his purchases survive. In 1597 he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as 107 acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen.



Royal patronage




After Elizabeth I died, Shakespeare’s company was awarded a royal patent by King James I (VI of Scotland), and became the King’s Men. King Lear, probably composed in this year, took divided kingdoms as its theme mirroring James I's new domain of England, Scotland and Wales. Meanwhile Macbeth, also written early in James's reign, gives a kind portrayal of James’s ancestor Banquo and was probably intended to honour the new king’s Scottish ancestry.


1609 Shakespeare's sonnets published




Shakespeare published 154 sonnets which explored themes of love, sex and beauty. He probably started them in 1592 when plague closed the theatres. The sonnets include a dedication to one "Mr. W.H.". The identity of this person remains a mystery and has provoked a great deal of speculation. Sonnets were a traditional and popular form during the Elizabethan period. Several of them, including Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?), and Sonnet 116 (Let me not to the marriage of true minds) have become some of the most familiar poems in all of English literature.

莎士比亞出版了154首十四行詩,探討了愛情、性和美的主題,這些作品的創作可能始於1592年,當劇院因瘟疫而關閉的時候。十四行詩中包括給“Mr. W.H.”的題詞,這位先生的身份引起過多種猜測但一直是謎。十四行詩在伊麗莎白時代是一種傳統而流行的形式,莎士比亞的編號18(我可以把你比作夏日嗎)和116(我絕不承認兩顆真心的結合)的十四行詩,已經成為了英國文學史上耳熟能詳的經典。

1613 Shakespeare writes his last play




The Two Noble Kinsmen was possibly the last play Shakespeare worked on. He wrote it with a collaborator, John Fletcher. In the previous decade he had written his late romances - Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale and The Tempest. These plays are graver in tone than the comedies of the 1590s but less so than the tragedies, as they end with reconciliation and forgiveness for potentially tragic actions. This change of mood may simply reflect the theatrical fashion of the day, but it could also be evidence Shakespeare had developed a more temperate view of life as he aged. 與John Fletcher共同創作的《兩貴親》可能是莎士比亞最後一部作品。在過去的十年裡,他寫了《辛白林》、《冬天的故事》和《暴風雨》。這些戲劇的基調相較1590年代的喜劇系列更為嚴肅,但並沒有到悲劇系列的程度,因為它們的結局一和解原諒潛在悲劇行為而告終。這些情緒的變化或許只是反映了當時的戲劇風向,也或許能夠反映出莎士比亞隨著年齡的增長,對生活的看法變得更加溫和。






the Lord Chamberlain’s Men張伯倫勳爵劇團



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