L. G. 亞歷山大《英語詞彙用法手冊》29組形容詞副詞

卡爾·林奈 S.H.E 教育 老程高考英語 2017-03-27

L. G. 亞歷山大《英語詞彙用法手冊》29組形容詞副詞含義對比


1.clean, cleanly

2.deep, deeply

3.direct, directly

4.dirty, dirtily

5.easy, easily

6.firm, firmly

7.first, firstly

8.flat, flatly

9.free, freely

10.full, in full, fully

11.high, highly

12.last, lastly, last of all

13.late, lately

14.loud, loudly, aloud

15.low, lowly

16.most, mostly

17.near, nearly, close (to), near to

18.quick, quickly

19.quiet, quietly

20.right, rightly

21.rough, roughly

22.sharp, sharply

23.slow, slowly


25.strong, strongly

26.thick, thickly

27.thin, thinly

28.wide, widely

29.wrong, wrongly

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第50頁clean, cleanly詞條

With a single swing of the axe, he cut the log clean/cleanly in two.


cleanly =乾淨地,利落地;

clean =完全地,如clean forget完全忘記

clean in two完全成兩半

(get) clean away完全逃避

(he) clean off his head完全失常

I don’t mind how you do the job, as long as you do it cleanly.


不能用cleancleanly =乾淨地,利索地

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第70頁deep, deeply詞條

We had to dig deep into pockets to pay for our daughter’s education.


(另有:look deep, run deep, strike deep)

We deeply regret the inconvenience we have caused you.


(deeply = 很,非常;-ly作為強調成分;deeply與諸如think和believe之類的動詞連用)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第75頁direct, directly詞條

This flight goes direct/directly to Cairo. 這個航班直飛開羅。

(direct, directly= 中途不停留;和go, phone, write, speak等連用時,兩種形式均可)

She’s not in her office at the moment, but she’ll be back directly.


(directly = 不久,很快)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第76頁dirty, dirtily詞條

They only won the game because they played dirty.

他們用不正當的手段才贏了這場比賽。(不能用played dirtily)

(dirty與act, be, talk等動詞連用)

The animals were so dirtily kept/kept in such a dirty fashion that the zoo lost in licence.


《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第86頁easy, easily詞條

You’ve been working hard and should take it easy for a while.

你一直乾得很辛苦,也該歇一會兒了。(不能用take it easily)

(easy = 悠閒地,徐緩地,尤其在下列短語中:Easy now!慢慢來!Go easy彆著急,Take it easy輕鬆一點)

I finished all the questions easily in the time allowed.


(easily = 很輕鬆地;是方式副詞)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第110頁firm, firmly詞條

I tried to get her to change her mind, but she stayed firm.

我試圖讓她改變主意,但她很堅決。(不能用stayed firmly)

(firm用於一些意思與動詞be有聯繫的動詞後,如hold firm, stand firm, stay firm)

We agreed on a price and shook hands firmly.



《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第111頁first(ly)詞條

First you turn the computer on, then you load the program.

你先打開電腦,然後運載程序。(不能用At first, Firstly)


In the first place/First(ly) I don’t know what you mean, and in the second place/second(ly), I don’t want to. 第一,我不知道你是什麼意思;第二,我也不想知道。


Safety always comes first. 安全總是要放在第一位。(不能用firstly)

(first是用在be, come, go等後面的常規副詞,其反義詞是last,也用在上述動詞之後)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第116頁free, freely詞條

Children under five years old travel free. 五歲以下兒童旅行不收費。

(不能用travel freely)(free = 不付錢的)

The cage door was open and the lion had gone free. 獸籠的門開著,獅子已跑了出來。

(不能用had gone freely)(free即:不受控制的)

It’s wonderful to be able to travel freely in Eastern Europe.

能在東歐自由地旅行真是太好了。(freely = 沒有限制地)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第112頁flat, flatly詞條

He fell flat on his face. 他臉朝下摔倒在地。(不能用fell flatly)

(flat用在一些動詞後面,例如:fall, lie, spread等)

Joan flatly refused to lend me her car.

瓊斷然拒絕把車借給我。(flatly = 完全地;與諸如refuse, deny這樣的動詞連用)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第117頁full, in full, fully詞條

She struck him full in the face. 她朝他臉上打了一巴掌。(不能用fully)

full =直接地:full in the face, the chest等)

Please write out your name and address in full.


I fully understand why he retired so early.


《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第133頁high/highly詞條

If you can jump that high, you’ll qualify for the Olympic team!


(不能用jump highly)

high即是形容詞,如:the high jump跳高運動,又是副詞,如:jump high向高處跳,aim high向高處瞄準)

Few dancers are highly paid. 舞蹈家很少有人得到高報酬。


《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第159頁lastly, last, last of all詞條

We arrived last/last of all. 我們到得最晚。(不能用lastly)

(在動詞後我們用last,而不用lastly:He mentioned that last. 他最後提到了那件事。He came in last. 他最後到達。)

And last (of all)/lastly, I want to thank all my supporters.

最後,我想向所有的支持我的人表示感謝。(不能用lastly of all)


《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第159頁late, lately詞條

The train arrived late. 火車到達時晚點了。(不能用lately)


I sat up to watch the late show. 我很晚不睡覺,留下來看深夜播放的電視節目。

(late在這裡作形容詞,通常跟在動詞(一般為be)的後面:I was late我遲到了,但也可放在名詞前面指事件而非指人,如:a late appointment很遲的約見,a late night晚上很遲的時候)

My late uncle left me some money.


We haven’t seen you lately. 最近我們一直沒見過你。(lately = 近來)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第167頁loud, aloud, loudly, strong詞條

When I told them the story, they all laughed aloud/loudly.

我講了那個故事後,他們都放聲大笑起來。(不能用laughed loud/strong)

(aloud或者out loud = 出聲使人可以聽見;loudly = 非安靜地,弄出很大的聲音)

I could hear loud music coming from upstairs.

我能聽見從樓上傳下來的都很響的音樂聲。(不能用aloud, loudly, strong)


Don’t talk so loud/loudly. 別這麼大聲說話。(不能用aloud)

(用法說明:loud可以作為副詞和一些動詞連用,如talk, play (music))

There was a very strong wind/strong smell.

吹過一陣強勁的大風/可聞到一種很濃烈的氣味。(不能用loud)(strong =強烈的)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第167頁low, lowly詞條

We flew low over the sea. 我們從海面低空飛過。(不能用lowly)

(low既可作形容詞也可作副詞:a low building低建築物;fly low低飛;low paid workers低薪工人)

William began in a lowly position at the bank, but rose to the top.


(lowly只作形容詞= 指職位或地位低的,“卑微”的,這個詞已相當過時)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第181頁most, the most, mostly詞條

This is the most reliable car I’ve ever owned.

這是我擁有過的最可靠的汽車。(不能用This is most reliable car)

(最高級:the most +兩個音節以上的形容詞)

Most doctors don’t smoke. 大多數醫生都不吸菸。(不能用The most doctors, Most of doctors)

Most wine is imported. 大部分酒是進口的。(不能用The most wine, Most of wine)


This car is most reliable. 這輛汽車非常可靠。(當most = very時,前面無需加the)

My work isn’t very valid. It’s mostly office-work.


(不能用most, the most)(mostly = 主要)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第185頁nearly, near (to), close (to)詞條

We sheltered in a cave close to/near the top of the mountain.

我們躲進山頂附近的一個巖洞裡。(不能用close the mountain)

(near和close to作介詞)

We were near to/close to exhaustion. 我們都快精疲力竭了。

(near to的用法有限,含“接近”之意)

That dog is vicious. Don’t go near/close! 那隻狗可凶了,別靠近它!(不能用nearly, closely)


I’m nearly ready. 我差不多準備好了。(nearly = 幾乎)(nearly是程度副詞)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第220頁quiet, quietly詞條

The children went very quiet when the show began.

演出一開始,孩子們都靜下來了。(不能用went quietly)

(quiet是形容詞,我們常用go或become + 形容詞的形式表示become變得;試比較Sit quiet for a moment. 安靜地坐一會兒吧。)

Now children, go quietly to your classes. No talking on the way.


(不能用go quiet)(quietly是行為副詞)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第220頁quick, quickly詞條

Come quick/quickly. There’s been an accident. 快來,出事故了。

(quick用以形容瞬間即完的突然動作:jump in quick快跳進來,shut it quick快關上)

We must move quickly. 我們必須迅速移動。(不能用move quick)


《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第232頁right, rightly詞條

You’re not thinking about this. 這件事你考慮得不對。(不能用thinking rightly)

(一些表示存在、表象及行為的動詞,與形容詞right,而不是副詞rightly連用,如:answer right答得對,feel right感覺對頭,do right做得對)

John informed us, rightly, that the 8:27 to Brighton had been cancelled.


(不能用right)(rightly = 正確地;是狀語用法)

I don’t think you acted right/rightly there.


《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第233頁rough, roughly詞條

We travelled light and slept rough.

我們輕裝旅行,睡覺就很不講究啦。(不能用slept roughly)

(rough是形容詞,與動詞連用時,使該動詞含有be的意義,如:look rough樣子看上去很粗野,play rough玩得粗野,talk rough說話粗野)

I’ve sketched it roughly. 我粗略地畫了個草圖。(不能用rough)

(狀語用法,roughly = 大致地)

He spoke roughly to the child. 他粗暴地對孩子說話。(不能用rough)

(roughly = 態度粗暴;-ly指故意的行為)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第243頁sharp, sharply詞條

You’d better look sharp. The boss is coming. 你最好留點神,老闆來了。

(不能用look sharply)(sharply = 留神;小心,通常為命令)

(sharp是形容詞,用在動詞be, seem, feel等後= j警覺的,準確的;音樂中有sound sharp/ sound flat的說法,意為“跑調”;sharp還可用於表示方向,如turn sharp right/turn sharp left向右/向左急轉彎,不能用sharply)

I was woken sharply by the sound of breaking glass.

我被打碎玻璃的聲音猛然驚醒。(不能用woken sharp)

(sharply = 猛然地;是副詞用法)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第249頁slow, slowly詞條

This train’s going terribly slow/slowly. 這趟火車走得非常慢。

(go slow = 速度慢;go slowly = 以緩慢的速度行進)

Eat your food slowly! 吃慢一點! (不能用slow)


《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第258頁straight詞條

I’ve got such a bad headache. I can’t see straight.


(straight = 成一條直線;straight既是形容詞,也是副詞:a straight line直線,think straight想清楚等;沒有-ly形式)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第259頁strong, strongly詞條

Grandma’s over 90 and still getting strong.

祖母年過九旬,身體依然硬朗。(不能用going strongly)

(going strong是一個固定表達方式 = 健康)

I strongly support high taxes on tobacco.



《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第271頁thick, thickly詞條

Cut the slices thick/thickly. 把片切厚一些。

(兩種形式都可以和動詞cut, lie, spread等連用)

Holland is thickly populated. 荷蘭的人口密度很大。(不能用thick)

(thickly = 非常;-ly是加強詞義的詞綴)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第271頁thin, thinly詞條

Cut the slices thin/thinly. 把片切得薄些。

(兩種形式都可以和動詞cut, lie, spread等連用)

Iceland is thinly populated. 冰島人口稀少。(不能用thin)

(thinly = 不很多;-ly是加強詞義的詞綴)

《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第289頁wide, widely詞條

He kicked the ball, but it went wide of the goalposts.

他踢球射門,但球偏離了球門柱而未射中。(不能用went widely)


It is widely believed that the universe started with a big bang.



《英語詞彙用法手冊》(L. G. 亞歷山大編著)第293頁wrong, wrongly詞條

All our plans went wrong. 我們所有的計劃都失敗了。(不能用wrongly)


You’ve spelt it wrong/wrongly. 你把它拼錯了。

(在表示出錯時,我們會用wrong多於用wrongly,如spell it wrong(ly)拼錯,pronounce it wrong(ly)發錯音,do it wrong(ly)做錯,在get之後,只能用wrongget it wrong把它弄錯)

Some of the objects in this museum have been wrongly dated.



You’ve connected the printer cable wrongly.

你把打印機的電纜接錯了。(不能用wrong)(副詞wrongly =錯誤地)

L. G. 亞歷山大《英語詞彙用法手冊》29組形容詞副詞


