意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節

美食博覽會 冰淇淋 烹飪技巧 Gourmet 意大利留學景大大 2017-04-19

意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節


We continue our journey discoverying in Rimini, the little Italy town. Infact, here you can taste good living, tasty food, discover art and history, experience motors, fashion, sport and nature: all the best Italian qualities in this beautiful town !


6月17-18日,曾給費里尼帶來靈感的8½ Circus marquee,將讓人們一飽口福。美食家們把佳餚變成街頭美食,你會看到大廚的精湛廚藝、冰淇淋裡的奶油、走進售賣當地農產品的市集,甚至藝術品。在8½ Circus帳篷附近,來自Emilia-Romagna 區的12位米其林大廚將和12位享譽國際的年輕大廚碰撞與交流,一起來紀念這個真正獨一無二的地方的傳統和人物。Emilia Romagna是歐洲唯一一個擁有44 PDO and PGI認證產品的地區,而裡米尼就在這個地區中部,它在‘Al Mani’美食節的活動中展現出了意大利最頂級的廚藝。

意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節

On 17 and 18 June, Rimini becomes the food capital of Italy.

The Fellini-inspired 8½ Circus marquee offers a feast of flavour with gourmet street food, show cooking with the chefs, the cream of the ice cream, and a market of local farm, craft and design products. 12 Michelin-starred chefs from the Emilia-Romagna region meet 12 young international chefs in and around the circus tent in an event that celebrates the people and heritage of a truly unique area. Emilia Romagna is the only region in Europe with 44 PDO and PGI products : Rimini, in the middle of this Region become during ‘Al Mani’ event the ultimate exponent and global ambassador of the best in Italian cuisine.

Massimo Bottura

Al Meni是由Massimo Bottura和裡米尼城市委員會一起創立的節日,用於紀念Emilia-Romagna的傳統和重要人物。Massimo Bottura全球最重要的大廚之一,曾被博洛尼亞大學授予管理學名譽學位,他開在意大利的餐廳在全球排名第二。他還建立了一個名叫Food for Soul的組織,旨在讓貧困地區的人也能享受美食。

意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節

“Emilia-Romagna區擁有如此棒的生鮮食材”,有“口味馴獸師”之稱的Massimo Bottura如是說,“我們廚師要將這些食材做出特質,就要先尊重食材。全世界都在看我們。他們所關注的這個地區,可以為了嚐到一款合心意的傳統balsamic醋,而等上25年。是我們瘋了嗎?不,是我們仍然相信夢想。”

意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節

Al Meni was devised by Massimo Bottura with Rimini city council to celebrate Emilia-Romagna’s heritage and its leading lights. He’s certainly one of the most important chefs in the world, was awarded the Honorary Degree in Management, University of Bologna and his Restaurant in Italy is 2nd Best Restaurant in the World ! He also founded the association Food for Soul, aimed to seek taste solutions for poor society, so the method of providing it to cook together and taste satisfaction.

(facoltative : “Emilia-Romagna has such remarkably good raw materials”, says the ‘ringmaster of flavours’, Massimo Bottura, “that all we chefs need do to bring out their qualities is to treat them with respect. The world is watching us. And they see a region that can wait 25 years before tasting a traditional balsamic vinegar. Are we crazy? No: we still believe in dreams”.)


大廚和8½ Circus口味

Al Meni美食節的核心,是8½ 馬戲團大帳篷和它的引人矚目的開放式廚房。12位來自Emilia-Romagna的大廚,將和12位年輕的烹飪界未來新星比拼,把米其林級的廚藝帶到街頭,讓所有人都能得以品嚐。其中包羅了各種口味、產品、語言、土地、佳餚。


意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節

The chefs and the 8½ Circus of flavour

Al Meni’s centrepiece will be the 8½ Circus marquee with its striking open kitchen. In the show cooking demonstrations, 12 chefs from Emilia-Romagna will pair with 12 young stars of the future from all over the culinary world to create Michelin-worthy dishes at street food prices for all to try. Inside, a blend of flavours, products, languages, lands and dishes from around the world awaits.

The 8½ Circus has an ample array of quality local wines to savour in the Al Meni wine bar. This selection by the CheftoChef association features the region’s finest tipples in a characteristic panorama of the Emilia-Romagna wine landscape.

意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節


從馬戲團到波西維奇廣場的海濱,沿著大大小小的農場,可參觀到該地區的各種風味。小農和葡萄種植者,奶酪製造商和手工藝者帶來了獨特的美食路線。遊客可以從70家頂級供應商那裡品嚐和購買到米其林星級餐廳的選料。 從Parmigiano Reggiano和Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena到Culatello di Zibello和Prosciutto di Parma火腿,水果,piadina麵包,奶油色的Squacquerone奶酪,到當地的海魚,來自費拉拉平原的米,最好的羊肉以及來自亞平寧山脈的蘑菇 ,你將擁有無限選擇。

意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節

The produce market

A tour of the region’s varied flavours plays out along the seafront from the circus to Piazzale Boscovich, among farm producers large and small. Smallholders and wine growers, cheesemakers and craftspeople offer a unique gourmet trail where visitors can taste and buy sumptuous local products from 70 top suppliers to Michelin-starred restaurants. From Parmigiano Reggiano and Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena to Culatello di Zibello and Prosciutto di Parma hams, plus fruit, piadina flatbread, creamy Squacquerone cheese, local sea fish, rice from the Ferrara plains, the finest scalogno shallots, and mushrooms from the Apennine mountains, the choice is endless.

意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節



圍繞馬戲團的圓形露臺將有一個特別的美食家街頭食物攤,來表達該地區頂級廚師和供應商協會CheftoChef的自豪和喜悅。 另一個戶外景點,是鑑賞家的冰淇淋店,這是難得一見的品嚐頂級手工冰淇淋機會。廚師的不僅運用了MO.CA技術,還獲得了Carpigiani Gelato大學大師級匠人的專業加持。

Gourmet street food and the finest ice cream around the 8½ Circus

The round terrace girding the circus will have a liberal sprinkling of special gourmet street food stalls, the pride and joy of CheftoChef, the association of the region’s top chefs and producers. Another outdoor attraction will be the connoisseurs’ ice-cream parlour, a sublime showcase of artisanal ice cream making where the chefs’ creative brio meets MO.CA technology and the expertise of the master makers from Carpigiani Gelato University.

意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節


Emilia-Romagna的肥沃土地並不僅僅能產出好的食物。 除了當地的農產品市場,在8½馬戲場對面,還有馬Matrioška,它的特色是創意和手工技藝。 本地設計師和手工藝人為食物提供了新奇的展示方法,其獨特的手工製作包括:陶瓷、插畫、服裝、傢俱,燈具、配件、面料、雕塑。

意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節

Matrioška special: craft, design and good ideas

Emilia-Romagna’s fertile land produces more than just good food. Alongside the local produce market and opposite the 8½ Circus, the Matrioška special is an hotbed of creativity and manual skill. Local designers and craftspeople offer a new take on food with displays and demonstrations of their distinctive handmade creations.: from ceramics to illustrations and clothing to furnishings, from lamps to accessories and fabrics to sculptures.


在8½馬戲團及其周圍,Slow Food Emilia-Romagna舉辦了向所有年齡段開放的工作坊,你可以和各種廚師,作家和專家對話交流。 關於廚師、供應商、產品、家鄉的方方面面,都將包含其中。

意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節

A taste for knowledge at the Slow Food Emilia-Romagna zone

In and around the 8½ Circus, Slow Food Emilia-Romagna is running workshops for all ages and talks by chefs, writers and experts. It will be all about cooks, producers, products and the land they come from: in short, experiencing food in words and pictures.



6月18日的Déjeunersur l'herbe是美食節中的一個活動,屆時,Grand Hotel將打開大門,舉行一場特別的野餐。 廚師Claudio di Bernardo、Massimo Bottura、和Al Meni美食節的其他廚師,將一起歡迎遊客來到這個Fellini最喜歡的、燦爛而又自由的建築。千萬不要錯過哦~

The cool event : picnic in the gardens of the Grand Hotel

Déjeuner sur l'herbe on Sunday 18 June is an event within the event, when the Grand Hotel Rimini will open its gates for a very special picnic. Claudio di Bernardo, the Grand Hotel Chef, together with Massimo Bottura and the Al Meni chefs, welcomes visitors to the gardens of this splendid liberty building, one of Fellini’s favourite haunts. You canì’t miss it : too cool !!!

意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節


Let’s organize and reserve your room : you can get a 10% discount on the booking China Friendly hotels through our website: www.riminireservation.it/cn


活動 Event:

http://www.rimini.cn; www.almeni.it

Bottura :



Prenote :


意大利|裡米尼Al Meni美食節

