5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦

雷鬼音樂 雷鬼舞 嘻哈音樂 音樂 elvita威的生活便籤 2017-05-17

Sound System Unity Vol.2

Out Door Sensi


Dizzy System Present

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦





This is not a music festival/wonderland/or any other boring and expensive shit that happened every now and then

We provide all the fun for your free and unique soul.

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦

這將是充滿陽光到下午,我將用 Roots Reggae 作為開場

兩組 DJ/MC 隨後將氣氛調到 Hip Hop

接著舞臺上會突然出現五位自稱 “小丑” 的人

他們是一隻 “國際” JAZZ FUNK 甚至搖滾樂隊,此時舞池裡面應該早已開始了新一輪的躁動

既然是雷鬼聲音系統,接下來的 ROOTS RAGGAE 樂隊,一定會是你會讓你瘋狂,他們代表了國內 ROOTS RAGGAE的正宗。

接下來 REGGAE 繼續,中國 REGGAE 的力量

趁著夜色,DIZZY SYSTEM 主理人的迷幻 DUB live set 讓你忘了時間

意大利的老牌 DJ 依然用純黑膠 Jungle/Drum N Bass 控制著你的腳尖

We are going to start the party with old school reggae

2DJs and mc will tune the mood to old school Hip Hop

A Jazz Funk Rock Band will cheer you up

A Roots Raggae band you must listen to

A chinese Raggae group will burn the babylon

DIZZYDI Dub with one of the best drummer in Beijing

old school Jungle/Drum N Bass Vinyl set

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦



5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦

DIZZY SYSTEM專注Dub聲音系統/Trip Hop;製作人DJ,擁有Live house負責人等多重身份,其音樂風格多樣,可駕馭禪意深遠的Trip hop,迷霧般的Abstract Hip-hop以及節奏靈動的Old Funk Soul,甚至是充滿異域色彩的Dub,Jungle,剛烈的Drum and Bass,Breaks。他在北歐組織起了Dub廠牌own sound,並化名Level-Z Selector。與芬蘭老牌Reggae singer/rapper一起活躍於北歐的音樂節和party舞臺。2012年創建了活動/音樂廠牌Dizzy System,迴歸turntable用黑膠唱盤現場拼貼的玩法使得他的dj現場風格獨樹一幟。嘗試用唱盤與實驗樂手即興跨界合作,推廣先鋒前衛的電子文化。


5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦



A writer,researcher and ethnomusicologist, Wild Wata was attracted to the culture andgroove of roots music during collage, which leads to her anthropologicalresearch of Yunnan reggae.

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦


它來自遙遠的牙買加,伴隨著令人輕鬆愉悅的節奏,飛越萬里來到古老的東方。Reggae音樂有著傳統根源音樂的律動,讓人不覺隨之起舞。中華民樂又如山間浮雲穿梭其中,讓樂曲在旋律上更上一層樓。兩者在不經意間完相輔相成,相倚而強,正是各種文化一次次的碰撞與融合造就了獨一無二的Lucky Roots。

JahJah Bless~One Love!

It comes from the distant Jamaica, with a relaxing and pleasant rhythm, flying over the ancient oriental.Reggae music has a traditional origin of the rhythm of the music, let people dance with it. Chinese folk music is like the mountain clouds shuttle which make music in the melody strive for further improvement. The two are not inadvertently finished complement each other, lean and strong. It is a variety of culture and time of collision and fusion created a unique Lucky Roots.

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦

DJ Ludo V

1976年生於意大利南部的那不勒斯。深遠的帕特諾伯(Partenopean)文化在Ludo V身上產生了顯著的影響,塑造了他個性中折衷主義的特質。在十幾歲的時候就顯示出了其在音樂方面的卓越天賦,尤其是工業音樂(Industrial music)、硬核(Hardcore)和朋克(Punk)。Ludo V從1995年開始接觸電子音樂,為這種革命性的音響所折服,在那個時候techno初露端倪,Ludo在音樂方面的造詣使得他從德國到美國,從實驗音樂到House舞曲,甚至Jazz funk和Hip-Hop等各個領域都能遊刃有餘。

Ludo V was bornLudovico Odierna in Naples, southern Italy, in 1976. The fermenting Partenopeanculture particularly marked Ludo V’s personality, whose sensitiveness – reallyeclectic one- has always been one of his characteristic features. Fascinated byall the music world and related trends since his pre-teenager years, especiallyindustrial music and hardcore/punk Ludo V got in touch with electronic music in1995, discovering his passion for the innovative sonorities which began to bepeculiar to the techno scene of those years. At that time, Ludo already had adefinite musical taste, ranging from the German and American electro-scene tothe experimental music and house music, as well as from the jazzfunk and hiphop.

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦

Johnson and the brothers


and around china. The group plays roots reggae, lovers reggae, dancehall and popular reggae hits.the members are from different countries that from africa and China.

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦

Joker’s Belief

小丑/弄臣,是生活在中世紀宮廷中的既低下又危險的職業。一天帝王要求小丑取悅所有賓客,如果不能滿足要求就將其處死。小丑活了下來,“小丑的信仰”誕生了。來自 5 個不同的國家,5 個不同的音樂背景,帶來嶄新的都市•放克•搖滾•新靈魂樂風格。

Jester’s and Jokers of medieval times were required to bring levity to the court and to meet the Kings requests. One Jester was required to entertain and amuse his King on demand, and if he failed, he was killed. The Jester lived - we call it "Jokers Belief” 5 nationalities with 5 influences bringing you a fusion of funk, rock and Neo soul.

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦


來自法國的創作歌手,從高中開始在美國加州創作演出,大學在巴黎為音樂而休學進行訓練和演出。參與了知名紀錄片《世界上的另一個我·第二季》,巴黎名牌鞋Wize&Ope 發佈會,曾與Nicki Minaj簽約的第一位藝人,Quincy Jones, Rihanna, Ariana Grande, G-Easy等大牌的索尼音樂製作人合作.她的音樂風格以R&B, Alternative, Hip Hop, Pop 為主 。

Originated from France, she had started performing and writing during high school in California, USA. Due to her passion for music, she had dropped out of college in Paris and started making music professionally. She had participated in the well-known documentary Another Me in the World, as well as the release party for the French shoe brand Wize&Ope in Paris. She had previously collaborated with well-known Sony Music Producers, who have worked with artists like Quincy Jones, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Ariana Grande, G-Easy, etc.

Her music ranges from R&B, Alternative, Hip Hop.

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦

Master Ray

MasterRay是Blacksheep Production Team成員Jia Li在Roots Groove領域的化名。2006年始,來自Grand Master Flash、Jazzy Jeff、DJ Krush的節奏啟蒙讓他開始用黑膠唱機和混音臺開始研習自己的Set與搓盤技法。MasterRay不提倡學術性的曲風界定與模式化的曲目編排,全世界優質真誠的街頭音樂都會被他用作取樣進行混合與再創作。日式的內斂堅韌、美式的熱情外放、英式的低調抽象等元素架構而成的節奏空間,加上樸素實用的搓盤手法與一以貫之的分享精神,共同構成MasterRay獨特而親切的音樂美學。

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦

活 動 信 息

Event infos

戶外的 BBQ 精釀啤酒 露天特調雞尾酒

你只需要購買一個 80rmb 的 open bar 手環

就可以無限暢飲 “自由古巴” 從下午三點到七點

晚上 9 點以後食物和 shot半價

prepared BBQ / draft beers out door / specail cocktails

And a open bar from 3pm-7pm

Buy the open bar ticket from the bar 80RMB

you can drink CUBA LIBRE


After 9 pm half price food and shots

時間:5月20日 週六 下午3點

票價:預售 60 現場 80/學生免票(憑證入場)

地址:DREAM 2049 國際文創園 E25 (雙橋地鐵A/B出口) 太倉酒館

別擔心天氣,如果當天下雨我們還有足夠大的室內廠房空間讓 party繼續!

Don't worry! If it rains that day we still have a big enough indoor venue to keep the party going!

5.20 戶外雷鬼派對又來啦

