
酒店 EMS 銀川海派英語 銀川海派英語 2017-10-06



When a guest needs photocopy service

1. 請問需要多少張?

How many pieces do you want?

2. 請問每樣一張嗎?/一套嗎?

1 page of each?/1 set?

3. 一塊一張。

1 Yuan per page

4. 請問您需要放大嗎?(縮小/加深/淺一點)

Would you like it enlarged?(reduced/dark/light)

5. 請問您要複印稱膠片嗎?

Would you like it to transparency?

6. 印好了,這是您的原件

Here you are, and these are your originals.

7. 複印好後,是否分頁裝訂?

Do you need binding?



When a guest need print service

1. 打印5元一張。

5 Yuan per page for print.

2. 正在預熱,請稍等。

It’s warming up, just a moment please.

3. 我們有惠普1000.

We have HP1000

4. 彩色打印只有噴墨的。

We have only ink jet for color print.

5. 這些文件打印需要一小時,您是在這裡等候,還是先去辦事,稍後取

It takes about one hour to finish this typing. Are you waiting here or come back later.

6. 對不起,先生,您的文件打印完了,請您校對,看看有無需要修改的地方。

Excuse me, sir, I have finished typing your documents, would you please come down to proof-read it.

7. 好的,我會幫你存在電腦了,若您需要修改,隨時可以來。

Yes, I’ll store it in the computer. We are glad to be of service.



When a guest needs fax service

1. 請問傳真號碼是多少?

May I have your fax number?


I’m sorry, the fax number is wrong, would you please check it?

3. 收發傳真都在商務中心。

Faxes are to be sent in Business Center, they can be revised also.


When a guest needs express mail service

1. 請問您的快件是用DHL還是EMS?

Will you send the documents by DHL or EMS?

2. 這是快件登記表,請您填寫收件人姓名、地址、公司名稱及電話號碼和物品價值

This is a EMS form, Please filling the receiver’s name, address, telephone number and document’s value.

3. 大約5天時間可以報美國,我們的收費是根據快件的重量,請把文件交給我稱一下好嗎?

It will reach the U.S. in 5 days. We charge according to the weight, please let me weight it.

4. 順便說一下,藥品、液體、粉末、易碎品等不能寄。

By the way, medicine, liquids, fragile articles by mail etc, are not allowed to be sent。

5. 謝謝,請您在這籤個名。

Thank you, would you sign your name here, please.



